Well, the MSTNoodle models are finally lost to the sands of time

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Zeldaboy, would the links have taken you to a MediaFire or other similar page? If that's the case, copy the address and put it in a new browser window. Then you should be able to go there just fine.
Meow, the downloads were on the site itself. And some downloads that were on another hosting site similar to mediafire (and just to clarify, it wasn't megaupload) was shut down. So those who have the models are very lucky to have them. I have almost the whole collection of the MSTNoodle models + UKBL Thomas models.
So what can be done in a case like this? If you missed downloading them the first time, is it a case of you're out of luck, you missed the boat? Or can you ask a user who has them to send them to you privately like landrvr1's models?
If you missed them, it's too bad so sad.

No further distribution of MSTNoodle's assets, besides the download of the ones he has placed on the DLS, is allowed, either.

What part of this...
No further distribution of MSTNoodle's assets, besides the download of the ones he has placed on the DLS.
...do you not get? Doing this sort of thing is heavily frowned upon and can incur a forum ban. Not to mention that whoever's running that website does nothing to indicate they are mstnoodle's models and is effectively passing them off as his/her own. Time this thread is locked methinks...
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I love mstnoodle's models! But for the sake of equestria, mstnoodle needs to reupload ALL of his models to the download station!
How is it rude? Sharing the link to models which the creator CLEARLY said not to redistribute them is illegal and can get you banned.
I love mstnoodle's models! But for the sake of equestria, mstnoodle needs to reupload ALL of his models to the download station!

I believe the owner of the copyright, HIT Entertainment, had a little something to say about it in the past and that is why they aren't on the DLS anymore.. that is why almost all TT models are at SI3D, because they had to negotiate special permission to have them there.

Plus you just don't get it, he doesn't want them distributed anymore... obviously you don't care about a content creators rights, just yourself.

Your digging yourself a hole here... you might want to stop while your ahead.. and I agree... the mods might want to lock this thread because it is going to go down hill quickly.

EDIT: Someone from UKBL or their friends might want to report that jimdo site so it can be taken down......

You can report the site here: http://support.jimdo.com/contact/inappropriate-content/

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Where is Mangandy or CMburgess when you need them the most anymore!? They would be able to stop things like this. The reason I think this is now happening is because people think that because UKBL is dead, no one is keeping an eye on the webs for this sort of thing. @n8phu Skarloey123 and a few of the starters of SI3D had reasoned with HIT, and HIT allowed them at first. HIT actually doesn't mind as much as it used to, it was, I believe, at the time, new management that thought it was wrong, thus HIT had asked UKBL to remove every piece of T&F content they had at that time.
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