Weird airplane problem.


New member
Here's a weird one that has had me perplexed for weeks now. For some reason I have a jet airplane flying around my route, surveyor and drive. It seems to have just appeared. I've searched my installed content and I can't find a single active airplane, any that were active I deactivated. I have had an opportunity to catch up with this unwanted flying machine and follow it long enough to try to grab it in all categories...even the question no avail. The game doesn't seem to know it's there, rendering it non deletable so far. My route is circa 1957 so you can imagine how my townsfolk feel about having a Boeing 747 flying about. The sheriff is getting lot's of calls reporting a UFO. :) Has this ever happened to anyone? Any suggestions? Was it user error? (I've been known to play while knocking back a few cold ones). Help?
It's happened to me before, too. I have wondered what it was. It looked like an enormous jetliner flying low too the ground. It doesn't happen anymore... It may be an asset that you installed that overwrited a builtin asset, causing it to appear. Or an asset that you placed that for some reason has a jet flying overhead. I dunno...
Someone made an animated scenery asset of a plane circling around at long distance. Could it be that one? It's not drivable, just scenery. Try looking in the scenery tab. Author may have been Alien3 but it's been a long while, so maybe that's not correct.
Good ideas. Thanks for weighing in, guys. I searched in wire mode and lowered the water...found some assets at the bottom of the bay that weren't supposed to be there, but nothing that made a jet appear. I only have one full board complete and about 8 more with not much more than track and found nothing that shouldn't be there. The DLS assets I do have I am pretty familiar with from past routes and 90% of all the structures are assets I built. It is quite a pickle.
Not sure on the jet side, but aeroplanes will appear if you have placed an airport in your route.


Haven't placed a airport of the route. If it were a Cesna I probably wouldn't mind so much, but this is a thing flying around is a full blown passenger jet, not a well rendered one either...just saying. But yeah, no airport assets. Don't think I've even looked at one on DLS. Still a pickle. :)
A few unlikely possibilities

It’s odd that you can see it moving in Surveyor, because locomotives don’t, unless you drag them around a track.

I guess that you aren't seeing any invisible track on which this thing is flying. In Surveyor you can usually see a coloured line of some kind which indicates where the track is. However, there are some which are invisible, even in Surveyor. Just a thought that if it is that type then it might be possible to delete it somewhere along its circuit (provided it has enough spline points to have at least two vertices in front, or behind, the aircraft). Selecting the Track tab (F4) in Surveyor would highlight the spline points in the area where this thing is airborne. I guess, at best that would only derail it rather than get it deleted.

Another thought; in Surveyor, go into Edit Session Rules>Driver Setup>Edit> Add another Driver - pick a Driver – click on vehicle and see what come up on the Select vehicle pick list. I don't think this would allow you to delete it from the route, but it might help identify what it is.

You've probably tried all of the above.

It sounds very much like an object with a circling aircraft included in the asset as described by Deane.

One last thought. Has anyone made an invisible airport? Probably not, but we have invisible stations which generate people as a product. Could there be one that does aircraft?
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It’s odd that you can see it moving in Surveyor, ?

There are many scenic assets that are animated and move in surveyor including:

animated Jd sprayer,<kuid:50567:1066>
animated jd-tractor,<kuid2:50567:1036:1>

as well as the animated people by neoklai75

These can often be difficult to select in surveyor because you have to find the point where they were first placed. Sometimes going into wire view mode will show a source box but this is not always present. If the vehicle follows a short path it is possible to follow it clicking regularly on it until it is selected, be careful you might end up with a second vehicle being placed if you do not see it has been selected.

This might not help you to identify the plane but at least you might be able to pin it down to the correct menu.
Just looked for Boeings using CM and found a possible culprit.

Look for anything by arraial in your CM. You might be able to restrict it to vehicles because one animated plane I found was Type - Vehicle:

Airbus Boeing A340-300 Philipines Airlines Anim,<kuid:524343:6218>

There were a lot more, some of which might not be animated but this might give you something to look for in CM.

Its starting point is a long way from where you see it in the air so you might want to use replace asset in Surveyor and choose something big that can be seen from some distance away and then delete it.
There are many scenic assets that are animated and move in surveyor ~snip~
Yes, quite right and I have many of those.

I was referring to items which move on tracks, which don't animate in Surveyor (other than the particle effects). My fault for not being more lucid.

~snip~These can often be difficult to select in surveyor because you have to find the point where they were first placed. Sometimes going into wire view mode will show a source box but this is not always present.~snip~
Good point. I reckon it could be that type of asset.


Any chance of a screenshot of the offending aircraft in flight?

Someone is pretty sure to identify it if we can see what it is. A picture paints a thousand words and all that ...
Rogue airliner

Yes, quite right and I have many of those.

I was referring to items which move on tracks, which don't animate in Surveyor (other than the particle effects). My fault for not being more lucid.

Good point. I reckon it could be that type of asset.


Any chance of a screenshot of the offending aircraft in flight?

Someone is pretty sure to identify it if we can see what it is. A picture paints a thousand words and all that ...

Here's a shot of the rogue aircraft. Maybe this will help identify the asset.

And in a completely unrelated do people upload photos directly to the forum without using a link?
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Well it has a British Airways (more or less) logo on the fin, but I don't recognise that particular four engined aircraft type. The wings are strangely squared off.

The fuselage looks a bit broken up too (asset builders - flipped normals?)

Someone ought to now be able to recognise it.

To get your image to show directly in a Forum post you do need to link it. Your file host site, flikr, should have a facility to grab a direct link which you can insert into your Forum reply screen. At the top of the box where you type your text you'll see seven icon groups. In the group of five (on the right), click on the middle one which looks like a little square picture with a dot in each corner. A dialog box will open where you can paste your flikr direct link.
It doesn't look like anything Arraial would have done (too simplistic and glaring technical mistakes in the mesh). I also checked on Alien3's 'distant aircraft' and it isn't that either.

Could you get it by finding all the dependencies of your map in CM, and then "view in main list"? I think that shows both the 'username' and kuid of the assets. Then look though that list for a name that could be that plane.
It doesn't look like anything Arraial would have done (too simplistic and glaring technical mistakes in the mesh). I also checked on Alien3's 'distant aircraft' and it isn't that either.

I agree but then I did not have the benefit of a picture to look at when I suggested Arraial's planes at least one of which does take off from the ground and fly around.
A Happy ending. Sort of. Found the asset. It's called Jet Effect by shoves <kuid:225064:4010880> an asset no longer on DLS. I assume it was an old asset from an early Trainz? (build 1.3) Before disabling it, I messed a bit with it, installed it in wire mode and as expected there was nothing to indicate that it had been installed. Nothing in plain (plane) slight to click on to delete it other than undo. Still the problem persist, in that, since disabling the asset I can no longer install the plane (good news) I can not delete the one already flying around (bad news). I suppose I'll have to PM this "shoves" person an ask what gives on this asset from hell?
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It is still on the DLS, <KUID:225064:4010880>, but as you say is an old item, actually SP3, so you have to tick the Trainz box to find it.
The problem isn't finding it...I found it...the problem is how to delete it from the route after it's been installed. It's is the scenery tab so I'm not sure what "trainz" box it is that you are referring to.
Now that you have a KUID, I assume you've tried opening Content manager, opening the route for edit in CMP, and deleting the asset from the asset list.

When at first you don't succeed, give up.

Now that you have a KUID, I assume you've tried opening Content manager, opening the route for edit in CMP, and deleting the asset from the asset list.


Yeah...found it in the list deleted it, saved, committed route. There's one other kuid that is close but didn't want to delete what I don't know. I'm starting to think I am just going to have to ignore the damn thing. :(