web colors, help needed please


Active member
[h=2]help with web colour conversion needed[/h]

i'm doing the route from Ipswich to Boonah and am at the stage where i can get rid of the web colors that came with the google conversion

does anybody have a list of what the differing colors correspond to in trainz?

i searched , but cant find the answer in the forums or on the web

any help would be greatly appreciated

hello john
that was not what i meant. i'm never really good at puttign across what i need.

see the attached screen please
the web colors that are still web colors is what i need to figure out what they correspond to
most of the white you see is not houses or roofs.
i checked that already, but i cant work out what it represents.
there are quite a few other color shades that i cant work out either.
i have the main ones, but these elude me

i hope you may have an idea

i have sent ModelerMJ a pm, but no answer as yet

thanks for trying to help

I know what the problem is.These are the textures from TransDEM or HOG.

The route was based off may have been based off of a photo or topographic map and these are the colors that have are used in Trainz. As you said, your best bet is to contact ModelerMJ (Mike Jenkins) regarding this.

G'day misterchugg,

...as JCitron suggests, Ron, these ground textures are remnants from the Google Earth maps that you used to provide your ground textures on your original TransDEM export. They are, indeed from the Texture Set created by ModelleMJ specifically for that purpose but rather than try to remove them the way you are 'thinking' to do, I would suggest that it would be much easier to simply use the "Replace Asset" option in Surveyor to achieve the result you want. Here's how I would do it...

1: Open the "Paint" Tab (or press [F2])...

2: Using the "get texture" button, click on one of the "spots" you wish to remove (which should then display the clicked ground texture in the current texture box and also highlight it in the 'list')...

3: Click on the [Main menu] button in the Trainz task-bar and from the Drop down list, select "Replace assets...", which will open the "Replace assets" dialogue box...

4: Click on the highlighted ground texture in the Paint tab list and drag it to the "Assets to replace" panel in the "Replace assets" dialogue Box (all being well, it will 'stick' there - Note, you can select several different ground textures here, so that they will ALL be replaced by the next steps)...

5: Return to the 'Paint' tab and search the list until you find the ground texture you want to use at that location and drag and drop it into the "Asset to replace with" box in the "Replace assets" Dialogue box...

6: If it is relevant, check the "Replace direction and scale" Radio Button (or leave it unchecked) and then click the [Replace] button. If you leave the "Current section only" option unchecked, the function will act upon ALL instances of the ground texture in the entire route, otherwise you will only replace those found on the selected baseboard...

7: Repeat as necessary...

Jerker {:)}
thank you Jerker and John

i heard from modelermj and he stated the same thing
i am looking for my book which has a partial list already in it.
i will use that and enter the new colors ans what they should be and save them for later use again

this makes finishing the route a lot quicker.

you will see when i finished it

thanks once again