
New member
Dear WCL fans,
The first section from Paddington to Reading has been up for some time now and I have been working on the follow-on part from where the first stopped through to Westbury.
Actually this section is 66 miles long although to Westbury it is 96, the extra distance is the 'overrun' similar to the overrun on the first section.

My real worry is that my eyes are failing and I will not be able to get this finished, although I shall try to go on further.

Do you, the end users, feel it sensible to put up the route to the DS as it is through to this stage of developement without waiting for me to attempt the complete section because my eyesight may not allow me to do it.

If, by some miracle of hospital treatment I can get on further I can always send that up afterwards, but be aware there is still at least 24 miles to Westbury and 81 to the end of section.
I have completed 44 miles of full scenic work.

Please let me know your feelings on this, feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Dear WCL fans,

Do you, the end users, feel it sensible to put up the route to the DS as it is through to this stage of developement without waiting for me to attempt the complete section because my eyesight may not allow me to do it.


Please let me know your feelings on this, feedback will be greatly appreciated.


Only if you feel that you cannot complete the route in the near future, otherwise, I can wait for it. You health comes first. Good luck with your surgery.
Other life

Ah, there is other life on the planet!

Thanks for replying.... not surgery, at present I am not sure what's going to happen. It's more that my eyes simply cannot stand much PC work and considering I have been doing the second section since last March (07) I cannot visualise me being able to complete it.

So I thought I might just test the water here to see what the feeling is about putting a half done route up. Maybe other people can continue and get it finished? I wouldn't mind that.
If my eyes get fixed I can always complete at a later date. But at 70 I haven't got many 'later dates' to look forward to!

Hi Angelah

I say put up what you have already done. All your work is first class but your eyesight is more important than finishing a route!!

People know how good your routes are and I am sure someone will add to it if you are not able to do so yourself.

Take care of yourself and good luck with the eye treatment just don't put unnecessary strain on them.

Hello Angela,

As your layouts are always scenic and beautifully textured, I can understand how you feel, being partly blind myself I cannot even do a route so I do envy you. Anyway, your health must always come first, I think it would be best if you release the route now, and leave it up to the individual as to whether they want to carry it on for their own personal use.
However, as you stated, somebody may want to complete your layout and then re-release the finished article, we have so many talented UK layout creators, I'm sure somebody could help.
Either way, this leaves you with some free time to give your eyes a much needed rest and you can enjoy playing trains with less strain.

Look after yourself.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:

Hi guys,
Thanks for the input. Sadly I can't even 'play' Trainz, I have to be off the PC as much as possible, like limiting to e-mails and forums...

I think I shall put up what I have so far. It's not too hard to copy what I have done already, there's plenty of content already in the route to use in other parts.

sorry to hear of your problems. Please do put it up as it would be greatly missed if you are unable to complete it (hoping you are able to finish it). I already have the line from Newton Abbot linked all the way to Paddington via the northern route from Taunton via Bristol to Reading, although this is mostly track only by widowmaker. It does fit in well with both yours and my devon lines section. Im not good at the dem stuff so my contours were done by guess work but the track was still to the correct scale by using the basemap method.
Hoping you are well enough to complete
No go

I am afraid Auran do not seem to be accepting content. I have tried twice to send the route and the prgress bar fills but then just sits there. My modem shows three lights but nothing seems to be happening.
I am not really surprised because there has been no new content on the DS for some time now.

If anybody would like this route PM me and I will send it via YouSendIt.

Good luck with your eyesight Angelah.
Hopefully we'll see you back on here posting new screenshots before too long.

If you wan't to share with the masses, why not try uplaoding it to ZippyShare.
They have a good download speed.

Wishing you the best,

It went up - took a while though, about 3/4 hour, but I did eventually get the 'Upload Successful' message.

So look out for a part done route next week... I hope!

Thanks Angela
Shall be keeping an eye out for it. Originaly you said that you were doing Paddington to Penzance. just wondered if you had all the hogs of the entire route aswell, or are they in the downloaded hogs we had with section 1? Dont have a clue how to make them into the baseboards like what youve done but will keep tryiing


Thanks Angela
Shall be keeping an eye out for it. Originaly you said that you were doing Paddington to Penzance. just wondered if you had all the hogs of the entire route aswell, or are they in the downloaded hogs we had with section 1? Dont have a clue how to make them into the baseboards like what youve done but will keep tryiing


Hi Keith,
Not sure what you're getting with hogs? I assume you meant the colour hog textures. Once you have downloaded the set there are no more to get, the same ones are used on all DEM maps.
If you mean have I got all the DEM's, that is the ground maps, then yes, I have. My good friend Dennis is at this moment working on the Penzance end, although I believe he is pitching the time era back into the sixties for more interesting working.
And I did not make the DEMs, they were made for me by a very kind and knowledgable gentleman who shall remain anon... don't want to get him inundated with requests, do we....
I have not looked at them beyond the ones I am using so they may actually be bare of everything including the track (he also kindly laid that on this one). You can see what they look like by going outside the scenic perimeters I set up. The thick blue lines are tracks.
However, it's not as simple as that (is it ever?). The program that creates the DEM has a tendancy, no matter how careful the creator is, to over compensate where the ground has sudden variations, such as lakes or ravines near hills, so it is necessary to work with an Ordnance Survey map in tandem to check the contour lines and adjust your map. This is one of the reasons it takes so long, longer on this second map then the first one, this one is much hillier.

Thanks Angela
That is what i meant and the sixties is great as that is my time period. The devon lines route i did was done the hard way so contours are not as the dems would be. It was all created from books and was all around the 50/60's period including some dismantled lines.

Thanks Angela
That is what i meant and the sixties is great as that is my time period. The devon lines route i did was done the hard way so contours are not as the dems would be. It was all created from books and was all around the 50/60's period including some dismantled lines.

Hello Stagecoach,
If you have my WCL1 then you will know my era is modern rather than 60s. Sorry about that. When I began I looked at what was on the Internet and there was only modern pictures. Then later I found Google Earth and used that, but again all up to date scenery.
This means a lot of the tracks that went to branch lines are missing.

I do have most of the other DEMs if you would like a copy of each apart from the last section which I seem to have mislaid somehow, but Dennis has it so it isn't lost forever.
To send them you will need a YouSendIt account. Let me know. Remember they are bare boards so laying track and scenery will be up to you. You will also need OS maps to get heights right.

Hi Angela,
sorry to hear about your eye trouble, I don't suppose one of those monitor screens would help?
It would be a shame if you can not finish your Paddington-Penzance route, I know how much time and passion you have put into it.
I gave Dennis the dems for Penzance-Plymouth and Plymouth-Exeter but, as you know, he had a setback when he lost a lot of work on the first dem through PC failure. He diverted to a ng route whilst coming to terms with this loss!
As you know, I have not been able to do any work on my Weymouth-Eastleigh route for 18 months due to my wife's illness and, as I said to you recently, I am thinking about allowing someone else (with an interest in this line in the 50's) to have a go at completing it.
I hope your eyes improve with some rest, Trainz community cannot loose such a talent!!
All the best, John.
Hi John

Hi Angela,
sorry to hear about your eye trouble, I don't suppose one of those monitor screens would help?
It would be a shame if you can not finish your Paddington-Penzance route, I know how much time and passion you have put into it.
I gave Dennis the dems for Penzance-Plymouth and Plymouth-Exeter but, as you know, he had a setback when he lost a lot of work on the first dem through PC failure. He diverted to a ng route whilst coming to terms with this loss!
As you know, I have not been able to do any work on my Weymouth-Eastleigh route for 18 months due to my wife's illness and, as I said to you recently, I am thinking about allowing someone else (with an interest in this line in the 50's) to have a go at completing it.
I hope your eyes improve with some rest, Trainz community cannot loose such a talent!!
All the best, John.

Hello John,
Nice to hear from you on the forum, you have been missed.
I am unsure what the outcome of this problem will be at present, more hospital appointments in April so I may know what the form is after the first on the 11th. At the moment the drops seem to help little with the PC and I have kept off it as much as possible - but not completely - I do look on forums and for mail.
I hope your wife Jo is getting better now, perhaps you would mail me about that situation?
I seem to have lost all DEMs after Plymouth! Maybe I didn't get the Penzance end because it was so far away but I do believe Dennis had it at some point. After searching my PC's drives last night I came up blank and worse, I can't remember what they were called! Senility setting in?

The reason I mention it is because I have had a request for the maps and it would be rather nice for somebody (hopefully this person) to take the route on and lift the load from me. If my eye situation changes for the better I can always go on with it but with my 70th looming ever closer I doubt I will live long enough anyway. So getting all the maps together and zipping them seemed a good idea... If you get time would it be possible for you to send me the last section one more time please?
Look after yourself and Jo, give her my very best wishes.

PS. I suppose the cat is out of the bag (another navy saying) now we have spoken about DEMs in the open!
Sorry to hear about you eye sight problems Angel. I just downloaded the WC Line Section 1, and it is a wonderful job.

Just a couple of quick questions about it. How did you texture the o.s. map directly to the baseboards in such detail and what scale map did you use.

I tried in the past using HOG and 1:25,000 OS maps but they have always been very messy. unusable and too large. Even for a small 15 mile route i was looking at 60+ baseboards

Read the posts

Sorry to hear about you eye sight problems Angel. I just downloaded the WC Line Section 1, and it is a wonderful job.

Just a couple of quick questions about it. How did you texture the o.s. map directly to the baseboards in such detail and what scale map did you use.

I tried in the past using HOG and 1:25,000 OS maps but they have always been very messy. unusable and too large. Even for a small 15 mile route i was looking at 60+ baseboards


If you read the posts carefully and do a bit of detective work you will note I didn't make the maps at all. I do believe there were a tremendous amount of boards or whatever is used to make them up though. I think it's an art. Whether or not it's OS maps I am not sure, I think it is satellite imaging personally.

My bad, thank you for you reply anyhow. I think i know how to do it now by altering the texture.txt file to correspond with the colours used in the o.s. maps

Sorry about your eye troubles. , I have had 2 surgeries on my eyes in the last 3 years, and i may have to get it again, if it doesn't help i'll need to get it again(one time a guy got the surgery 5 times before the problem finally stayed fixed.

Anyway the line looks good and i hope you can finish it one day.