Warning in top right corner of screen while driving?

OR You COULD ignore it.!!!
Ignore it? I guess that I could. But, that rather sizeable box in the top right corner of the screen really sticks out. When I just want to watch trains running around, I can get everything else off of the screen except that box. Then, it becomes highly annoying.
Ignore it? I guess that I could. But, that rather sizeable box in the top right corner of the screen really sticks out. When I just want to watch trains running around, I can get everything else off of the screen except that box. Then, it becomes highly annoying.
Well i suppose that depends on the size of your screen....
my screen is not that big and it does not annoy me....

if this is all that annoys you, you must have almost perfect life....

that is all i am going to say on this matter..

over & out.
Well i suppose that depends on the size of your screen....
my screen is not that big and it does not annoy me....

if this is all that annoys you, you must have almost perfect life....

that is all i am going to say on this matter..

over & out.
Really? Let me explain:
1. I have no English locos.
2. I use no AI.
3. I paid for the software.
4. I don't want it to be there because there is no reason for it to be there. If I were using a loco that caused it, then that is my fault. If I am not using a loco that caused it, then it is the software's fault....the software that I paid for.
5. I do not have a perfect life except in Christ.
6. I didn't ask for your opinion....I asked for your help. If you can't help, then don't reply.
JOHNARRAN's reply worked. This was/is a new layout that I made. I used all locos that I have used before with no AWS warning. I have no idea why it happened now.

Just had a thought....I am running 2022PE now....first route made with PE. Is the AWS something added in PE?
AWS has been around in Trainz for quite a while as far as I can remember. While I can't recall the specific version, I'm sure it was around in the 2009/2010 sort of period, perhaps even earlier but it's not a new implementation.


AWS has been around in Trainz for quite a while as far as I can remember. While I can't recall the specific version, I'm sure it was around in the 2009/2010 sort of period, perhaps even earlier but it's not a new implementation.


Trainz Classics 3 apparently, which included the S&C route as well.