Vista CMP questions


New member
1. When I start CMP I get popup box saying "Unable to register Trainz URL registry key" I click ok a couple of times and CMP opens up and seems to work more or less. Anyone know how to cure this?

2. When I select an asset to Edit in Explorer Vista opens explorer to Desktop\Owner\Documents. I found/opened Auran\TRS2006\Edit and it is empty. How do I Edit in Explorer with Vista?

...I done this...

8) You need the best Internet security software you can find, payware.

I went to Control Panel, found Accounts, deleted all but my account(ie. User Accounts, Guest Account).

Microsoft, having applied over 75 security fixes to WindowsXP, configured the use of User Accounts, to be the default account to use, even for the Owner/Administrator...this prevents unknown intrusions, by restricting the ability to unknowningly download any intrusion, which might be able to take over your computer, be it virus, Trojan, bot, malicious code, whatever.

You have been given the ability to see every activity that may occur, to approve, or deny, installation.

But for the power user, you can omit the UAC, and rely on your ability to utilize your Internet security software, as a defense. Most IS software, requires you to turn of Windows Firewall anyway.

In other words, you have to un-dummy-down your Vista OS, and configure it to run the way you chose...and stay updated with your virus definitions.

Otherwise, any software installer you use, download it to the Desktop, right click, select Properties, General, and check Run as Administrator.

Once installed, go to Program Files, find the application, find the Properties dialogue box, General, check to see the Run as Admin. is checked.

Then you can change config.txt files, CMP will behave reasonably well, and you have a good handle to figure out any complications.

Your Welcome, Enjoy Your Hobby!