Viewing distance in TS2009


New member
Hi, folks!

It seems that, in my route at least when I am in Driver, the maximum viewing distance is about half of what it is in Surveyor. How come?

Are you inside the cab or outside the cab? I've found the inside the cab you have much less viewing distance.

Are you inside the cab or outside the cab? I've found the inside the cab you have much less viewing distance.


I'm inside the cab. So, you and I have the same problem, this did not happen with TRS 2006, and this is quite unrealistic.
My video card is an NVidia GeForce 6200 with 256 Mb memory.
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im having the same sort of problem except that when im outside the cab on a rural section of track it disappears but when i get to a station or industry area the tracks and everything pop up. I dont think its my graphics card as it runs other larger routes seamlessly.
The problem of viewing distances inside the cab are already documented in this forum. Hopefully it may get sorted in the future. It is not a video card issue. Cheers
The problem of viewing distances inside the cab are already documented in this forum. Hopefully it may get sorted in the future. It is not a video card issue. Cheers

I do hope so, as it is so easy to fix ! Just a single C or C++ "if" statement to be deleted somewhere, and that's it! :hehe:
I suspect the rationale was that when in the cab you're usually in motion, requiring continual redrawing of the entire screen and putting more of a load on the video card than would be the case for a stationary observer. However, as with so many built-in limitations in Trainz, I wish they would add a way to defeat this if desired.
