Video Glitching and Crashing in TS2009


New member
I just purchased the digital download of TS2009 and so far it was been a very frustrating experience just trying to get the game to run for more than 30 min and annoying video glitching. No problem with the install and the TrainzDiag utility passes in all respects with my system. Game starts ok but I'm getting a constant glitching of the video on the main screen but it goes away when another smaller window is present. For instance, I start Driver and select Tutorial 1 from the British Midlands 2 session. As long as the tutorial window remains on the screen, the video looks great. Since it can't be completely removed without exiting the session, I tried to drag most of if off screen. When I do that, I get video glitching in the main display. If I drag the window back into the main display, the glitching stops. I get the same issue when I select any Driver session. When I go to exit the game and the small pop-up window displays, the glitching stops. The glitching looks like the refresh rate is wrong, sort of a pulsating video display and hard on the eyes to look at. Even when I do try to ignore it and play on, the game has been crashing within 20-30 min. I have a Samsung 24" LCD Widescreen flat panel. The native res is 1920 x 1200 @ 60hz. In the video settings, Ive tried every res option available, Bit Depth set to 32, Full Screen enabled, Aspect set to Autodetect. In advanced options, I first tried it with all settings at default, then I tried playing with the Frequency setting with no avail. No matter how I set these options, the glitching persists. Here's my system specs:

CPU: Intel Q6600 2.4ghz Quad Core Processor
Ram: 2GB Corsair PC6400 DDR2
Video: 2 x BFG GeForce 8800GT OC2 in SLI Mode (Nvidia GeForce driver ver 190.62 (21-Aug-2009))
Audio: Soundblaster Audigy
OS: Windows XP Pro w/SP2
DirectX: 9.0c

Highlights from TrainzDiag:
Auran Trainz Diagnostic Tool
Version : 1.1
Compiled on : Jan 21 2009 11:40:54

System Information
Time of this report : 29/08/2009, 12:34:29
Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Screen Size : 1920 x 1200
Ram Found : 2046 MB
Ram Free : 1513 MB
Virtual Ram Free : 1971 MB
Raw Cpu Clock Speed : ~2.37 GHZ
OEM ID : 0
Number of processors : 4
Page size : 4096
Processor type : 586
Processor Architecture : 0
Processor Level : 6
Processor Revision : 3851
Allocation Granularity : 65536
3D-Now : Unavailable
FP operations : Not Emulated
FP precision error : Does not occur
MMX : Available
Physical Address Extension : Available
RDTSC instruction : Available
SSE instruction : Available
SSE2 instruction : Available

Test Results
CPU Speed : ~2.40 GHZ : Passed
CPU supports SSE instructions : Passed
System Memory : 2046 MB : Passed
Hard Drive Space: 460.98 GB Free : Passed
OpenGL : Version 3.1 : Passed
DirectX : Version 9.0c or later : Passed
Desktop Mode : 32 bit colors : Passed
Card Type : GeForce 8800 GT/PCI/SSE2 : Passed
Video Driver's Age : Less than 1 month : Passed
AGP Memory : 348MB Free : Passed
Total Video Mem : 512MB : Passed
Stencil Buffer : 8 Bits : Passed
Multi-Texturing : 8 Textures : Passed
Texture Compression DXT : Passed
Texture Combiners : Passed
Vertex Shaders : Version 3.0 : Passed
Pixel Shaders : Version 3.0 : Passed
Bump Mapping : Passed
Spherical Environment Mapping : Passed
Cubic Environment Mapping : Passed
Vertex Buffers : Passed
Monitor: No compatability problems detected : Passed

Extra Details Return from Tests
CPU Speed : ~2.40 GHZ : CPU Speed : ~2.40 GHZ
System Memory : 2046 MB : System Memory : 2046MB (1519MB free)
Hard Drive Space: 460.98 GB Free : Drive C:\ : Total 19.53 GB Free 13.40 GB
Drive D:\ : Total 487.85 GB Free 460.98 GB
Drive E:\ : Total 4.96 GB Free 1.93 GB

OpenGL : Version 3.1 : OpenGL : Version : 3.1.0
Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
Card : GeForce 8800 GT/PCI/SSE2
DirectX : Version 9.0c or later : Driver : nv4_disp.dll
Description : NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
Product : 6 Version : 14 SubVersion : 11 Build : 9062
Driver not WHQL signed
Desktop Mode : 32 bit colors : Desktop Mode : 1920x1200 with 32 bit colors
Video Driver's Age : Less than 1 month : Contact your card manufacturer at for the latest drivers.
Card's driver date is Mon Aug 17 00:57:00 2009
File Version :
File Description :NVIDIA Compatible Windows 2000 Display driver, Version 190.62
Product Version :
AGP Memory : 348MB Free : Total AGP Mem : 348MB
Free AGP Mem : 348MB
AGP Enabled = true, AGP Exists = true, AGP Status = Enabled
Total Video Mem : 512MB : Total Video Mem : 512MB
Stencil Buffer : 8 Bits : OpenGL stencil bits : 8
DirectX stencil bits : 8
Multi-Texturing : 8 Textures : OpenGL texture count : 32
DirectX texture count : 8
Vertex Shaders : Version 3.0 : OpenGL vertex shader : Version 3.0
DirectX vertex shader : Version 3.0
Pixel Shaders : Version 3.0 : OpenGL pixel shader : Version 3.0
DirectX pixel shader : Version 3.0

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

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