Using Multiple Windows of Trainz

You can run multiple separate copies, meaning each has its own database and install. I've done that when I needed to upgrade or import data from one version to another or for testing.
It depends on whether it was two separate versions or two copies of the same version.

If it was two of the same version, then the first copy normally locks the database so that the second copy shouldn't interfere.

Were you using Surveyor or Content Manager at the same time on both? Also, in terms of 'same version' is that two copies run from the same shortcut, or two separate installations?

Reason I ask is because the answer varies.

Were you using Surveyor or Content Manager at the same time on both? Also, in terms of 'same version' is that two copies run from the same shortcut, or two separate installations?

Reason I ask is because the answer varies.


I ran two copies from the same shortcut, and I only ran different driver sessions, not surveyor or content manager.
You may be OK with that although I wouldn't advise doing it if using Content Manager or Surveyor to avoid conflicts.

Running Surveyor/Driver and CM from the same database (same version) at the same time does not create any problems. It is also quite safe to run multiple copies of CM, although that does create the possibility of user error (overwriting later changes with older ones). The applications all work through the daemon which mediates all access to the database in order to avoid any possible conflict.
That's interesting as I've found issues when running two of the same version - it quite often throws up error messages regarding being unable to access the userdata folder. I have noticed though on mine that running multiple copies seems to trigger more than one TADDaemon process.

I have done what SalorDan has done many times. It was because of the content creators needing to quickly check content that the capabilities of TADDaemon were created. Prior to TADDaemon gaining these abilities, the CCs had to import the asset using CM, close CM, start TS12, test the asset, close TS12, and then open CM again to import another change. As much as we hate it and complain about it, it allows multiple access to the database.

The access violation messages you are receiving are expected since only one copy of CM or Surveyor can access the database at a time, however, once the locking application has changed focus on those particular records, the other accessing client can then access the same records.

What you don't want to do, however, is run two copies of CM, though it is possible to do so. The reason is this can mess things up, as I've found out the hard way because one version will be making really big changes, like adding content, while the other doesn't see these changes. Being in Surveyor CM at the same time, however, works fine.

I've run TS12 and T:ANE together, no problems from it. I used TS12 to export what is missing from the import to T:ANE.
Okay, I'm not sure if some of you are understanding exactly what I mean, so I will clarify a little. I am asking whether running one window of the game itself along with a second or third window of the same game from the same shortcut would cause any issues. Just driving sessions on each of them, not using surveyor on any of them. But thanks for your replies, you guys are very helpful.
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Okay, I'm not sure if some of you are understanding exactly what I mean, so I will clarify a little. I am asking whether running one window of the game itself along with a second or third window of the same game from the same shortcut would cause any issues. Just driving sessions on each of them, not using surveyor on any of them. But thanks for your replies, you guys are very helpful.

I wouldn't recommend that because of the resources that your computer will use tracking all the activity in all the sessions, and graphics resources needed to draw the objects in both sessions. You may still get some access-errors as well when the database gets updated by one of the sessions.
I am asking whether running one window of the game itself along with a second or third window of the same game from the same shortcut would cause any issues.

I have done this without problems, and I would be very surprised if it created any issues. The scenarios described above are actually the more complex options, and if they can be regarded as safe then what you are considering - multiple instances of driver - is not going to be a problem.