Using MacBook Pro for TANE


New member
Hi all

need some advice please!!

what is the easiest way to move around surveyor mode using MacBook Pro touchpad? Or is it easier me buying a mouse?

also I am planning my layout and I would like overhead electric wires (canteneries) but I can't seem to find them in the assets, can someone please point me in right direction please.

thanks for help in advance and happy new year!!!

Welcome to the forums and to Trainz.

Buy a mouse as you'll find it much easier than trying to navigate with the trackpad.

There are thousands of catenary and other splines available under the Scenery table located on the right side of the screen in Surveyor. Splines are located on the second tab on the right. Start typing catenary and some will appear.

For more advanced searching, click on the filter icon (it looks like a tornado) located on the top bar of the screen and to the left. This allows better filtering such as country (region) and other more specific details to narrow your search.
Hi thank you very much :-) I got a mouse and it is a lot easier!! That trackpad a nightmare lol to use.

i have started to find the catenary now so cheers for that.

When you start out designing a layout, is it easier laying track first ?
