USA Pics

Grand Blanc, MI


CN Tunnel yd, Port Huron, MI


We are literally just hours away from the formation of BNSF as we see two of the LSRC's original 5 U18B's and SD40-2 #5040, on loan from Santa Fe, skirting across the Illinois countryside heading north towards Rockford with road switcher RS100.

Upon arrival to the LSRC in 1990, all 5 of the former Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México U18's were rebuilt and upgraded from the original 7FDL8's to 7FDL12's along with other internals from later U Series locomotives, upgrading them from the original 1800 horse power to 2300 horse power, effectively molding them into U23B's in U18B bodies.

All 5 of these engines survive into 2025 and can still be seen gurgling around between Granville and Rockford on various different trains. The La Salle, Rockford & Central started it's existence with these 5 U18's and has no plans of getting rid of them anytime soon.

June 2023: MWB Shortline Incorporated and the Steam Locomotive Heritage Association have agreed to let ex-SOO Line 2-8-2 1003 do revenue freight. Due to a lack of turning facilities in Mill Town, the trains have to be led down by a diesel. This day, led by former Milwaukee Road SDL39 589.

Later, with the work in town done, the 2-8-2 can strut her stuff as she leads her train to Littleport.
That dry creekbed would look a lot better if you would have put the scale on the smallest size and held down the "[" or "]" key while applying the rocky texture. The "[" or "]" key rotates the textures while you're applying them so the texture will look more random. Just FYI.

Anyway your route looks great!


Dave Snow
That dry creekbed would look a lot better if you would have put the scale on the smallest size and held down the "[" or "]" key while applying the rocky texture. The "[" or "]" key rotates the textures while you're applying them so the texture will look more random. Just FYI.

Anyway your route looks great!


Dave Snow
Thanks for the feedback @davesnow .
The texture was set to the smallest (my default for all textures) to avoid all other issues with PBR textures.

I went ahead and replaced it so provided I remember to, will show a screenshot.

Again, thanks for your feedback.
