Uploads to Auran


The Rocker Trainz Veteran
:cool: I have my signal Items that have passed the processing area and have been sitting waiting to be approved....... and reason way so slow, besides being undermanned @ auran. Or is that the reason.


Damon (The Rocker) :wave:
Rats! I'm so looking forward to these signals Damon!

It looks like understaffing; remember a lot of 'em have been tied up with the new Trainz(tm) for the last several months or so. Your signals will get there, it's just such a drag waiting.

You might be able to put them at TPR; why don't you contact the gang there? They're generally helpful fellows.


There's been nothing new on the DLS since 13th May.

I've had a route awaiting approval since the 28th May.

Are we going to get an extension on our first class tickets?

Not much point having one if no new items are being added?
I am very thankful to you and the team

You're more than welcome to upload them to TPR.

How do I upload them to you..............

I am ready they are ready for everyone usage.

Should I send them to your email address

There is 31 one signals completed.

Thanks Tony, and Auran I understand now what's been happening read your thread about your siturations @ home Base.

Damon (The Rocker):) :D :cool: :wave: :hehe:
Click the link in my signature for the depot. Free registering and then log in. Once you log in, you'll see the upload link in the upper right corner just below the search button.
Click the link in my signature for the depot. Free registering and then log in. Once you log in, you'll see the upload link in the upper right corner just below the search button.

They have all been uploaded to your site now, you may have to put them in the right area, I put them in Track section area, could not find the trackside section area to put them all into it.

Tried to get into your forum, to let you know they have all been uploaded. Could not get in there with my username and password.

So I came here to let you know and others that the 31 PRR Signals have been uploaded to your site...............:wave:

Damon(The Rocker):D :cool:
O buffalo chips its time to forget DLS up or down

:n:A month is too long...Im not going to buy the new product anyway
for all the right reasons NO SERVICE....[FONT=&quot]NO CUSTOMERS.

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Are we going to get an extension on our first class tickets?

Not much point having one if no new items are being added?

Don't understand the logic of that or why we should be getting extensions. There's something like 100,000 assets at the DLS. Go for your life.
Hay Guy's

I just asked them why the it slow. I stell thave the Truro Link Setting Waiting for Approval With Three Files and it's ben a week :wave:

I uploaded to Traim-sim.com and my site
Plenty of places to host them in the mean time with the updates being slow. For a while I've been wondering if there might be a better way to connect all the sites with various downloads on. My site has a few, there are a lot of sites like that plus places like the TPR download depot and they lack the continuity of the DLS. Something could do with being done to coordinate efforts, just not sure what.

True. I Never had to Wait for so long So I use my site and made some fixs so Avery one can download my works. It the bust I can do.:wave:

I With you on This one some needs to be done:(
Don't understand the logic of that or why we should be getting extensions. There's something like 100,000 assets at the DLS. Go for your life.

I've downloaded all the items I want, I mainly only use UK items I don't know enough about other countries' railways.

Therefore, I only want new items now & there must be loads waiting for approval!

Surely the sensible thing for Auran to do is not allow any further uploads until they have sorted the backlog?
Fair enough.

I was just specifically addressing your question (and one that is being asked a bit lately) about FCT's. The FCT covers the DLS, not new content. Auran aren't obliged to update the DLS regularly.....or ever again for that matter.

Thing is, whether you get your content last month, this month, or next month. You still get it, right?? I guess I'm simply too laid back, casual, logical and realistic to comprehend why some users consider this concept a problem.
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You'd be a bit gutted if your FCT ran out the day before it was updated though wouldn't you?

Personally I think it might be wise to wait a couple of days after the next update to download stuff, as the servers will really be working hard...

Anyway, with such a backlog, it'll be like Christmas! :udrool:

You'd be a bit gutted if your FCT ran out the day before it was updated though wouldn't you?

No, not at all. I renew on expiry anyway, just as the vast majority do who want to continue involvement in Trainz/TRS and associated DLS.

So if it expired today, whether or not I get my content, last month, this month or next month.....on either old or new FCT, it doesn't matter. I still get the content.....for the same FCT cost. Nothing other than timing of content receipt changes.

Personally I think it might be wise to wait a couple of days after the next update to download stuff, as the servers will really be working hard...

Anyway, with such a backlog, it'll be like Christmas! :udrool:

No disagreement here on both of those counts.