updated to2006


New member
Hi all.Have taken the plunge and gone to 2006 latest build.Having played 2004 for a year I was able to get straight into it.Yes It's better I think.
However,there are some minor matters. I was able to change cars on the roads in 04 with tafwebs program.Can't seem to find out how to in 06?
Also, I can't get the exchange icon on the first menu as in the tutorial. I would like to but do I need to register again or is my old rego in 04 OK.
In tafwebs 04 T/objects,I could tidy up the names of content EG all houses under one heading, all airport stuff under own heading. Can't seem to get the idea in 06 of how it works.Also, my content missing (the dreaded black screen) comes up in spanish. My speaking Oz only doesn't help. Can someone please point me in the right direction.
Good Day Baz66

do I need to register again or is my old rego in 04 OK.

I can not answer most of your question but for the registration, you must register your 2006 code with planet auran. Log on to planet auran using your current username and password add the 2006 reg code. You will also have to edit the preferences and add the current username and password there too. Once done you will have access to the dls.

Also, my content missing (the dreaded black screen) comes up in spanish. My speaking Oz only doesn't help.

I have a similiar problem with my version of 06 which is build 3337 which came with Trainz Railwayz in Canada (this also has TC which is pretty much al I use now!). I have seen one other thread regarding it but I do not think there is a solution.

Have fun.

Thanks bchester
I have no problem downloading at all so I think the reg is automatic. I,ve even reg again as baz67 and it worked Ok. Probably should try to cancel that?