Updated TNI SDK (Trainz build 91310)


N3V Games Programmer
The updated TNI SDK for the latest TrainzDev builds has arrived, and can be downloaded here:

This should allow development with the new TNISocket and TNIControls interfaces in the latest provided builds. Below are links to the relevant wiki pages and Google docs describing the API specs. Note that there has been a number of changes to TNISocket since the overview doc was first provided.



  • API Spec (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JNeVSiLLaeVtR20Sp80iDJxLDoF0Bbtant5NIw3tOJs)
  • Wiki - TNISocket (http://online.ts2009.com/mediaWiki/index.php/TNI_Socket_Interface)
If you have any questions, comments or bug reports, please post them on this thread. Comments can also be made on the Google documents where clarification is needed.

Terry Palmer
N3V Games
Hi all,

Just checking in to make sure that you've been able to grab the build and SDK updates, and (as far as you've used the new APIs) things are working for you.



I had a look at the doc of the new SDK before holidays, but I don't have used the new APIs yet.
I'll start working on this during next week, and will report what I'm able or not to do.


I'm now using TNI with the lastest SP2 beta insteed of the dev build, and my TNI plugin is working well.
I'm able to make Trainz connect via ethernet to a Raspberry Pi that display a real train DMI, and that send datas about hardware controllers.