UP intermodal train hits car - in my railfanning area!


Well-known member
This was on the news a few nights ago. A UP intermodal train hit a car at one of the few crossings on the UP mainline near Nampa that does not have lights or gates! It just has a stop sign and crossbuck, as well as a trailer clearance sign. I guess the crossing is going to be getting more protection now.

But the big thing (for me at least): This crossing is one of the ones I railfan at almost every weekend! So seeing this on the news was quite the eye opener.
Trains hit cars almost every day. Is it really that hard to spot a bump in the road with tracks in it? After all as driver the road is the one thing you should be paying attention to.
Does seem odd to be a double track on a fairly major road with no active protection, especially considering the other crossings in the area are all protected. I'm not familiar with the line - is this a main line or a branch? Looking at Street View the only possibility I can see for them having not put up active protection are the expansive sight lines in both directions.

Also, I'd be curious if the driver was stopped on the tracks (waiting in line at the intersection), racing the train to try to beat it, or simply just not paying attention. 3 different factors that would have a different "response" from the authorities. Either way, isolated incident or not, I have a feeling the locals will be demanding gates there.
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Does seem odd to be a double track on a fairly major road with no active protection, especially considering the other crossings in the area are all protected. I'm not familiar with the line - is this a main line or a branch? Looking at Street View the only possibility I can see for them having not put up active protection are the expansive sight lines in both directions.

Also, I'd be curious if the driver was stopped on the tracks (waiting in line at the intersection), racing the train to try to beat it, or simply just not paying attention. 3 different factors that would have a different "response" from the authorities. Either way, isolated incident or not, I have a feeling the locals will be demanding gates there.
It is the mainline, and UP's original that they built out of Salt Lake around 1900.