Unable to place items from the track objects list


New member
New to forum but been using Trainz for iPad for 3 years, lastly came back to try to edit a route I'd made last year but I can't add anything from the track objects list ie buffer stops, signals etc, everything else works.

anyone able to offer an explanation....
Welcome to the forums, Richard.

I'm not familiar with the iPad version, per se, however, the thing that comes to mind is layers. Are there layers in this version? If your layer is locked, you cannot place the assets.

Another thing....

Can you place the assets on a new route?

If you can, then it maybe your route is corrupted.

If you can't, you might want to reinstall the application as that indicates something is corrupted.

You can try a database repair, if that option exists, in your content manager, and see if that helps as well.
