Still plays with Trainz
What has happened with Un-portal2 or am I messing up? A few months ago, with the help of some knowledgeable Trainzers, I managed to get Un-portal 2 to emit trains and/or drivable brakeman at prescribed Trackmarks after an engine came in contact with a designated Trigger. Everything worked well a few months ago. However this week I decided to use the Un-portal system to add a brakeman (index0) near a caboose. When the engine passed through the designated Trigger listed on the CPC emit train on trigger rule on the way to couple with the caboose, nothing happened. No brakeman appeared at the designated Trackmark. However, when the engine BACKED through the designated Trigger, the brakeman appeared at the Trackmark. Strange since I never used any command for the engine to wait until it backed into the Trigger. I then added a second index (a drivable truck, index1) to the Un-portal2 rule and added a second CPC emit rule. Again the brakeman did not emit until the engine backed through the designated Trigger but when the engine came in contact with the second emit Trigger, nothing happened. So, in summary, for some reason the Un-portal2 rule emitted the brakeman only after the engine BACKED into the Trigger but the the second emit command was ignored. Any suggestion as to what has occurred between a few months ago and today that has rendered the UN-portal rule inoperable on my system?