UK signalling, which signal where ?


New member
As I am struggling with UK-signalling, could someone inform me on the issue in general. And especially signalling on a single track route with passingplaces, and trains running in opposite directions. Which exact signals do I use where so that these trains can pass eachother (one should be waiting for the other on a passingplace). I am just a very little bit familair with feathers. And/or perhaps could someone mention a certain route which is showing the issue quite well ? Thank you.
You may find something useful from the following:

I'm not sure the correct way to signal single track with passing places but I have placed signals at the beginning and end of each piece of passing track with no signals on the single track. The points at each end of the passing track face into the passing place and direction markers dictate the path. The signal at the end of the passing track will not release a train unless the path to the next passing place (or double track) is free. The signal at the beginning of the passing place which could be a invisible signal allows any train to move under green and not amber, caution. I have five passing places working well on a single track across 70 panels. Peter

Edit: I've just uploaded a couple of screen shots to the Trainz Galley. Peter
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Thank you for your information. Reading the again carefuly did the trick. I was already quite familiar with the US-way of signalling and the signals themselves. But I got a bit confused reading about, and trying the UK-signals. I now have a small route (UK-way) running smouthly. First by laying the tracks according the direction the trainz should be running in the passing places, and adding signals at places where I would place the US-ones, with the same number. I did not involve myself into the "feather"-system yet. Allthough I intend to get that going as well. In case you have any info on that issue, please let me know. Jan