"Typo" Bashing?

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No Friend requests please
I read several references to the above subject on these forums lately, and wish to share my opinion: If a poster "puts up" a typo in a post subject or body, a good natured, humorous reference to that typo is certainly acceptable.

There are no excuses, really, concerning the typo, what with the spell checkers available for all, dictionaries, and the Preview Post option. I admire those that use English as a second language, that's one more language than I am able to use! However, those that post carelessly will receive little in the way of help from many, exactly because if you are not able to pay attention to simple spelling, why should we assume you have paid any more attention to your PC, drivers, service packs, configurations, etc....?

Now, if you do not speak or write English well because it is your second or third language, by all means preface your post with that fact. I, for one, will award your attempt all the respect it is due.

If you are too lazy to learn to communicate properly, can't afford a dictionary, do not have access to the INTERNET and it's myriad resources, then please, preface your post with those facts also.

I will award you all the respect you are due as well.;)
Hav 2 agree ed as sumwun hoo is edercated proper I getz frustrated with posts witch lac proper speling puctuation text speke etc etc.They doze not make cense Also cannt under stand why ther r so many red lines under the werds in this post ;)

Seriously,the worrying thing is,what will happen in thirty years time?Will,what is now the younger generation,chastise their offspring because they are not typing English properly,as in the top paragraph?

Sobering thought !!
Regards Bruce
u no eye hav no probs with teh type of chat either. :p I wonder why i had so many red marks either. This is an example of annoying type. I am sorry to irratate anyone with this
Hav 2 agree ed as sumwun hoo is edercated proper I getz frustrated with posts witch lac proper speling puctuation text speke etc etc.They doze not make cense Also cannt under stand why ther r so many red lines under the werds in this post

Should I be worried that I understood that perfectly, or am I just bilingual (English and t3xt0rz)*?

Seriously though, Firefox comes with a builtin spellchecker which just flagged builtin and spellchecker as misspelled. :p I'd highly recommend using it, for those who have it...

*Okay, okay, technically I'm trilingual (because I also know Spanish...kinda), but I'm trying to make my point here. ;)
I agree with the above. The only thing from chat talk I use would be "lol" since it is very hard to implement that your laughing on a forum.
If you happen to not speak English fluently because that is not your primary language,you should indeed get the respect that you deserve since you are not expected to know all the ins and outs of the English language.
Also our deaf members(2 that I know of) should also get the same treatment as above since they get taught English,although they get taught it a little differently so it may not sound right to the people that can hear. But to them it sounds perfectly normal,so therefore they should also get the benefit of the doubt since they don't learn the same exact kind of English that the people with hearing do.
Don't you just love ranting?

I tend to agree with Euphod on this topic. If you make typo's and English is your second, third, fourth, two-hundred and thirty-sixth language, I can exuse that. English is not as easy to learn as it looks, especially once it gets down to some particulars like discerning the difference between and proper usage of your, you're, there, their, they're etc. I know this because I'm learning a second language and it's definitely not as easy as some make it out to be.

Still, if English is your first language, and you're too darn lazy to type out a single, comprehensible sentence without typo's in it, you should be wallop upside your head with a dictionary, thesaurus, and all the English textbooks you went through when you went to school; assuming of course you aren't still in there.

Chatspeak truly is inexcusable, anybody who has ever chatted with me will note that I rarely ever use it, and even then only in small, bite sized pieces. I think a certain, widespread signature defines what I think on this subject.

Please, for the sake of the future... type out your @#$% words!

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Whatever happened to people putting this in their signatures?
Whatever happened to people putting this in their signatures?

I refuse to use it because of the typo in it - anyone else spotted it?

Have to agree on this one folks. Its not hard to get it right, the odd typo is to be expected but a seeming complete failure to grasp use of the English language (by those who profess it to be the mother tongue) simply because they are typing on a forum is irritating to say the least. I mean, I'm 20 and yet I can handle it so it can't just be the education system failing my generation can it?

Well...I guess I will post a little something on the subject

I admit I'm not the best a spelling or grammer but I do try.

I am, in fact, one of only three people in my whole grade that can spell 'becuase' and use proper grammer (to a degree).:eek:

Now we went over basics in grammer and people still arent using it right! Yup, that a typical nineth grade class these days.:confused: :eek:

Now I dont 'study' the dictionary like the other two do or have one on me all day. I went into a spelling bee and my school and out of all the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders I came in third. Ok...that was the beginning of the year and I was a bit rusty on grammer and some spelling.:o :p

Point is that my generation no one really cares. One person I knew wrote their final essay to pass english in chatspeak...uhh that was bad.

Just my 2 cents.

Recurring spelling errors are inevitable when translating from one language to another, and grammatical are not uncommon for some people and shouldn't be equated to ignorance or irresponsibility. I do strongly agree with eliminating text-speak shorthand which is suitable only for cell phones and PDA's.
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