TS 2022 plagued by drivers who back up when they should not do do.

Personally I find the back and forth about whether illogical or unrealistic AI behavior is “user error” to be an exercise in absurdity. I think we can move on and discuss adding more commands to the default set so that users get a better experience, are not forced to creating ridiculous solutions to make the AI behave more realistically.

For the OP, I suggest Trainz should have a selectable driver command, “no reverse” which can remain in effect while other commands execute or until deactivated. If the user wants a direction marker to be absolute, Trainz should have a setting for that, either session rules, driver commands, or an option when placing the marker. Or portals could have more option — like trains from portals do not reverse. (I’m not too familiar with portals.)

AI throwing switches under driver-controlled trains or throwing switches under trains when user takes control? Trainz should add commands, session rules, or pop up check boxes to prevent this, and probably set them as the default. Is that so hard for N3V to program? I wouldn’t think so.

Ideally such mods should be an available depending on user creativity, and not relying on N3V to do it all centrally. I know there are a few session rules on the DLS, but it’s not easy to find those or search them for solutions.

For those who miss the old ways, when trains would back up to the end of the line and stop, or engines that start to “run around” and then just keep going to the end of the route, there could be a “restore legacy settings” option. For those extolling the predictable logic of present AI behavior, which by definition simply follows the program, I say the advantage of programming is supposed to be the ability to modify the program to suit user needs. Maybe there should be a greater effort to collect suggestions or poll users about how they’d like AI, driver commands, and session rules improved.

I don’t find it helpful to bash users for critiquing the absence of such features. I do find it helpful and creative to hear ideas for changes to AI behavior and improved user options that could make Trainz more fun for all. Even if they are not implemented.
I am experiencing this problem too. I have adjusted how I schedule trains from my previous experience with TRS 2010.

Even on a route with dedicated double track, frequent track marks and directional marks, drivers have reversed direction passing thru red signals and ignoring directional marks.

My newest irritation involves following trains that stop and remain stopped in front of a green/proceed trackside signal. I have to restart every train, in addition to the driver who has already backed up 5 miles trying to drive to a track mark at any cost. So far I have resorted to using the delete this train command far too often.
I stopped the reversing by backing up a direction marker with an invisible signal. The latest (N3V) update cured this to be replaced by a faulty Schedule Library.
I stopped the reversing by backing up a direction marker with an invisible signal. The latest (N3V) update cured this to be replaced by a faulty Schedule Library.
The Schedule Library bug has been fixed in the latest beta so there's hope for this one on the horizon.
I tried that by blocking alternate paths with a direction marker already. Drivers sometimes drive against direction markers paying them no mind. No dice. I have not had this issue in TANE SP4 even with complete closed-loop routes. By default in those older Trainz editions, drivers had been trying to only get to the track marker by taking the closest path to the marker and not by backing around a long way, sometimes 50 miles or more, to get to the marker in front of the train blocking the marker. I have plenty of closed loop routes in TS 2102 latest build and TANE SP4 that don't have this backing up issue. The algorithm for my edition of TS 2022 is obviously programmed haywire. Trainz programmers also should ensure drivers absolutely do not drive against direction markers. Treat them as a diode or one-way check valve that will admit electric current in one direction only. Drivers should be forced to wait behind trains ahead of them.

Are the "software engineers" for Trainz in kindergarten or preschool?
Drive to and drive via commands require drivers to take the shortest path. Navigate to and navigate via will tell drivers to do the same thing except afford them the latitude to route (go) around other trains to get there.
Navigate to and navigate via are kiddy toy commands and no serious Trainz enthusiast should be making use of them.
I use Drive To and Drive Via commands exclusively instead of the "Navigate" command.
Only problem is even the Drive To and Drive Via commands won't stop the trains from switching tracks. Unless there's no train in front of it. Otherwise, it'll use the other track. My older routes are shorter and don't have this problem. Perhaps the path map on the driver H.U.D. allows me to modify whatever route it chooses to take.
What commands do you suggest we use then?
As pware says, - Drive To and Drive Via commands are the ones to use. I make use of trackmarks to layout the path that I want a train to take, - and especially where there's any chance that the dumb AI drivers will try to switch tracks. I will point out though that I follow pre-grouping British practice with no facing points on mainline tracks and that I gave up on using TRS22 some months ago and only use TRS19 (and sometimes TANE) instead.
As pware says, - Drive To and Drive Via commands are the ones to use. I make use of trackmarks to layout the path that I want a train to take, - and especially where there's any chance that the dumb AI drivers will try to switch tracks. I will point out though that I follow pre-grouping British practice with no facing points on mainline tracks and that I gave up on using TRS22 some months ago and only use TRS19 (and sometimes TANE) instead.
I'll try the Drive To commands again and hopefully the AI Drivers won't switch tracks. I'll keep a close eye on them.
I have noticed that drive to and drive via are not working the same as they did. They will not wait for the track to become clear; after some time, they will back up and take a different route.