Trying to get a KUID


New member
Hello -
I'm trying to get KUID 162187_1006.cdp Altamont Commuter
Every time I try to download it from the Download station using Download Helper, the program locks up. (But seems to work for all other downloads.)
And every time I try to download it using FTP, I get an error page stating that "That page is unavailable".
Can anyone help me obtain that file?
If it can be e-mailed, my address is XXXXXXX.
Thank You.

EDIT: I deleted the email address for your security but I have it.
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There are still lingering issues with the DLS. I've been trying for well over a month to get the Camas Prairie GeePs with no success.

All you can do is e-mail helpdesk and let them know.

It also pays to be a bit careful about displaying your e-mail address. Most members know to look in your profile to get it so don't make it easy for the spammers.


Hi bjrhatigan

I'm the creator of the Altamont Commuter Express route and I'm glad to help out with this. It's the first time I've heard of this issue, but not to worry, if you try again and it still won't download I'll email it to you.

Hmm, I was able to download it on DLH (Download Helper) and all the dependencies in 3-4 min. on my computer (Broadband). What Internet speed do you have? If it is Broadband I have no clue what the prob is, if it's lower that could be the problem. If you have dial-up, you are in your worst nightmare.
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