Trying to find scenery locomotives


Howdy; I know I can make a locomotive into a scenery object by changing it in CM, but I am trying to make my route so that every bit of it is available from the DLS or JR. With that in mind I am trying to find a locomotive to place in a repair shop that will just be for flavour, not an actual driver, but I have failed to come up with anything. I have tried looking under scenery and track object etc but zip, anyone know of any out there? If not I guess I would have to contact the content creator and ask to change and upload his loco as a scenery object wouldn't I?

Thanks all.
Hi; That was a British loco but it did give me other search items and found a loco being repaired under derelict, which will work great in the shop.

Funny, I did a search before posting this and it came up with nothing (lots of posts, but not yours). Derelict got me the one loco, will try end of the line too.
I found this digging throw old Screens form 2008 its on DLS but I forget the name the loco and cars they are more to what your looking for.

Look up Username kilanziom try searching "Wreck" for them.
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Chris, I don't mean to change the subject, but did you ever get a answer from the E&N Historical Society on the T.M. sign? I lost track of that thread.
The other thing you can is create your own scenery locomotive and rail cars. You need to open the assets for edit in Explorer, and change out the config.txt tags. You change the kind to scenery and remove the bogies container and any queues for interactive industries among other things. Once this is done, you'll have a shell which you can place anywhere. Keep in mind that since there are now bogies now, you need to make a set of those too into a scenery item. You then place the bogies down, if you use them, on a piece of track, while adjusting the height so they're not squished into the rails, then put the loco shell on top while doing the same.

It's a bit painful if you have a lot of engines and train cars, but it can be quite effective for scrap equipment, or even better a train museum with static exhibits.

Chris, I don't mean to change the subject, but did you ever get a answer from the E&N Historical Society on the T.M. sign? I lost track of that thread.

Nope, rather disappointed by it too. Might try contacting VIA if nothing heard by end of the week.
The other thing you can is create your own scenery locomotive and rail cars. You need to open the assets for edit in Explorer, and change out the config.txt tags. You change the kind to scenery and remove the bogies container and any queues for interactive industries among other things. Once this is done, you'll have a shell which you can place anywhere. Keep in mind that since there are now bogies now, you need to make a set of those too into a scenery item. You then place the bogies down, if you use them, on a piece of track, while adjusting the height so they're not squished into the rails, then put the loco shell on top while doing the same.

It's a bit painful if you have a lot of engines and train cars, but it can be quite effective for scrap equipment, or even better a train museum with static exhibits.


Hi John; I am trying to stick to DLS stuff so that everything is available when people DL the route. I have tried too many routes where bits and pieces are spread all over the internet, really frustrating and just leads to the route being nuked. To create my own I would need to use someone's else loco and for that I need their permission since I would have to UL it. I did manage to find one diesel which is fine.

That's understandable, Chris, but at least you now have an idea how to do this for the future and for yourself. At least this Australian locomotive is similar to a North American or Canadian one, perhaps a Alco switcher of some kind. :)


Thats available to JR Club Car members, free with purchase of Membership. Its a very nice model, though its definitely an "Outdoor, Project on hold" kind of deal with the Prime Mover covered and all.

If anyone DL's the route they probably won't even think of looking inside the repair shop. I didn't realize that was an Auzzie loco, I really suck on my LOCO ID abilities, but 12 years in the combat arms allows me to pick out a tank by the spacing in the road wheels or position of exhaust for crying out loud! I guess I will have to start collecting pictures of all the engines and start comparing to sort out the identifying factors.

I don't have a JR membership, but I do buy lots of their stuff but not enough to warrant paying $35 USD ($42+Cdn) to save 20%.

I might try contacting the chap who made the SD45 I remodeled into my Ontario Northland loco, worth a shot I guess.

****Hmm, my follow up post disappeared. Anyway, I noted that it is ok to modify and upload other people's content as long as it is freeware. In this case I want to switch Roger Crouch's Sd40-2 to a scenery object with Ontario Northland colours, as long as I credit the model to him I am ok if I read correctly on a previous post****
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