TRS2006 Not saving?


New member
Hello, I bought my copy of TRS2006 back in 2006 (obviously:D )
And I installed it on my old computer, and it worked great.
I recently bought a new computer, and I installed TRS2006, and everything works great except when I save a route I have made in surveyor, it says it saved and it is saved and you can see it in the surveyor main menu, but if I close Trainz, and open it up again, its gone. I have tried everything, and I can't understand why it won't save. I made a fantastic route and I thought it saved and it was gone :'(
Somebody please help me out with this.
Oh wow it was that simple? I am the only registered user on my laptop though... I should be an administrator automatically... anyway, thanks for the help! :D
Microsoft altered things in Windows 7, so that even the standard administrator user has limited permissions (not including the 'super-admin' user that is only available in Safe Mode)
