TRS19 in Window Mode


Screenshot Creator
I play with Trainz in window mode but the task bar doesnt get hidden when I lauch the game or try to resize the window. Which means it cuts off the bottom of Trainz, was wondering if there is anyway to hide the taskbar or something I am missing.
Yeah you can hide the task bar by right clicking on it > taskbar settings and selecting 'automatically hide taskbar'

else you can make it fully screen by ALT+ENTER or through the Trainz settings from the launcher.

I don't see that the task bar hides any part of Trainz what-so-ever. Minimise shows exactly the same area, at least on my pc with Win 10.
I ignore the window title because the advantages to running windowed outweigh running in full screen mode including being able to access maps, or other programs such as Google Earth at the same time especially on a second monitor.