Trouble using 1km baseboards


New member
I am trying to complete a Route using Google Earth Images. I have been using a 1km baseboard and it was going well. I am now experiencing baseboards disappearing on me and when I click around the area every so often the baseboard appears and then disappears. I have checked my memory and I have 8gb usable and only using 1gb. I have also configured the page file on the computer and it still hasn't rectified the problem. I have also had a look at several other tricks I have found on the internet and nothing is working. Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so how did you fix it. I am now a little over it and getting frustrated that I am unable to complete my layout.

Shane Clubb

What version of Trainz?

If this is TS12 then this has always been a problem with the draw distance, which is limited to 5km in Surveyor.

If it's T:ANE, you could be seeing 2 things:

1) Draw distance which is set too low and you can increase to 15km if you want.

2) Fog. Yup, fog. Go into your environment settings for the route and set the fog to none. You can then zoom way out without the objects greying over.

Hope this helps.

The problem with Basemaps is that they can flicker if they are flush on top of the baseboard at 0.00m height ... they can be height adjusted to be +0.20m, or so ... or -0.20m for visible in wireframe mode only

And basemaps can move on you if you place a building, and try moving the building, mistakingly moving the basemap

You mention 1km baseboards, if these are the Trainz 'baseboards' then they are 720m square, not one kilometer, 72 grid squares across. While this may not be a factor in your problem, it could affect your map distances.

It would be best to place basemaps on a unique layer which can be locked - and hidden - to avoid any unwanted movement when moving eg. a building - or anything else. I use multiple layers for this reason.

You mention 1km baseboards, if these are the Trainz 'baseboards' then they are 720m square, not one kilometer, 72 grid squares across.

You are correct, the Trainz baseboards are 720m x 720m but the "baseboards" that I believe they are referring to are 1000m x 1000m flat scenery objects that can have an image file on them, usually from Google Maps or Google Earth. 1km is a more logical size when taking image data from these sources.