Transdem google wms server problems


Trainz veteran
Some of the UK has gone missing on the Google WMS server when using Transdem, if anyone has problems with this area please help as it may apply to you. Norfolk is gone and Suffolk and most of the eastern area of the UK.:o this is no joke as it appears black I even try to updating it from Transdem site no luck :confused: confusing as this problem will ever be if you had recently lost part of the UK while trying to get birds eye view
(photos) of your map of your choice.


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Update the settings. Increase the version number.
Sorry for not explaining in detail. Poor connection from the Windamere hotel in Darjeeling.
Switch to Open Street Map (generally more detailed) or the UK Old Maps at the bottom of the list.

What *has* gone AWOL is the Ordnance Survey Maps from Bing/Local Live. They are still there on line but not via the WMS in Transdem.

Enjoy your holiday Roland and don't overdo the curry (I could never visit India as I can't stomach any spicy food!).
Internet connection somewhat better tonight. Still at the Windamere in Darjeeling:

In the settings for Google Earth | Orthophoto the field "Query prefix" should be changed to "kh/v=195". Increase again once it drops out the next time.

Vern, the famous Laurie Marshall who lead so many steam tours to India, didn't like Indian cuisine at all. They say he survived on chips, omelets and toast.

The DHR Society confirmed that we had the first steam charter over the full length of the line since it has been restored after the severe landslides near Tindharia (where the works are). A two days' trip, spent the night in Kurseong.