Trams again?

Just to say that my website address has been changed to something more localised and appropriate to Glasgow.

Now -

Have been sorting out a number of buildings and places and hope to have them finished by the end of this month. When that is done will add the video. I only recently discovered a short maintenance line to a small repair shed in the west end that had not appeared on previous maps. Only a couple of hundred yards but determined not to miss a single line out. So off to Kelvinhaugh on Tuesday for another wee walkto suss out the area! Having laid a couple of lines that had disappeared back before the 2nd World War, I am determined that the trackage will be down where it all was and even a short line has to be included so it historically accurate. Won't be able to sort the extra long bit of Gt Western Road and the 2 bends that appear from nearly 2 years ago but will cobble some kind of sorting out in due course. As previously said I only wish I had discovered Google Earth longer ago!
Yeah Gidday Boys

im working on a fictional tram line on Trainz 2006 and want to know if there is a "Melbourne tram stop" about?
In melbourne most stops consist of nothing except a sign, and pedestrians walk from the Footpath (sidewalk) to the tram in the middle of the road, Other vehicles must stop behind the tram to allow pedestrians to cross to the tram

Sita 12.
I would suggest you download AJS's "Tram Stop Type 2"<Kuid2:122285:3355:5> the waiting passengers can be moved back from the Tracks to the footpath, however this only works when you make a driver session as it works with the scripting of the session,and would work well for Melbourne.

I hope this you.
Seach for TrainzTrams Site.

There is lots of T3's there

The orginals on

There is also a Russian site T3's and K2's that I can't remember at the moment


Thanks! You have made my day! Boy am I going to have a huge collection of trams to run in Modula City! I'm going to need an extra depot...or retire something...:p

Although the trainz.jedisoft site seems to be broken.:confused:

Once again, thanks for the great site!:D

TRSTEX for trainz

I get an error message when I try to use this program. Does anyone else have this problem? It says a file is missing or something.
Try Here !

There is a link there to the orginal cars witch you will need as well.

There is also a Russion site that has a few more coare that are quite good. thhink the link is mentioned in one of the readme type files in one of the above or on a link page of one of the above. Sorry lost the links when updated my machine. The cars are fully active there is also a K2 class.

Ermmmm, well...uh...yeah...

I found the Russian site and downloaded some K2's and T3's.

However, while I looked through the TramTrainz downloads, I wasn't able to find one like in the picture. Oh well! I guess I'll just build my own T3, then place the half-pantograph and flip it around.:cool:

One last thing to complete my fleet of trams, does anyone know if there are some Modernized/rebuild K2's avaible? If so, where?


P.S. This is a modernized/rebuild K2:
(That's one)
(Here's another)
Glad you found them

How did you like the configure options on the ? for the car. Even though there all in russian once you work them out they are great. One of the most items I have seen you can alter on a tram except for the K8D5 and V6E's thats around and it and the K8D5 are both free !

Gidday boys (again) Um another Question regarding trams
I downloaded Dublin Citadis Tram and it apparently has a Changeable desto?

I've looked everywhere to try and change it but cant find anything :(

Any Suggestions?
Hi Hyper_Kameo

Bombardier Flexity
The last one I had was only a beta, is this the full version?

Did you spot what looks like a GT6 Trailer on the second link as well.

Thanks for the links

I hope once I am brave enough to try uploading my present and first route on Trainz namely my 'All Glasgow tramway System'. The last track/street was laid last month but off and on (again!) have been changing some scenery needed.

My plan is once I have worked it out to see aboiut getting it up at the end of this month. It is a fairly large city tramway as it covers as most will know by now every single line the city had right up to the 1962 closure. It includes 10 tram depots all suburban lines in every direction so a good card will be needed due to city situation, etc. It is Glasgow as it was in the end of tram days before motorways and new housing and modernisation. Just before then I will revamp the 170 odd pics on the website and get to that FRAPS running addition. This is a really extensive system and with hours of running and exploring the city and suburbs in every direction. Have been a bit hesitant at putting it up but a Tranz visitor to my home recently said that he felt I had captured the atmosphere of 1960 Glasgow and it's famous tramway. I hope so! Will get back on this at the end of the month.