

Message for Shane
download importer that converts XML file to Trainz IM but can not find the TrainzMeshImporter.exe to add to blender any suggestions?
Probably the wrong place to ask.
Hi John
Thanks for the info but still no exe file to add to blender or am i missing something can you or anyone explain 1.what i am looking for 2. once i have found it what to do with it?
i know i might be a pain in the bum but find it hard to get started
If you are running Win10, don't forget to make sure that you set trainzmeshimporter to run as administrator to make sure it can open the xml file.
The 'TrainzMeshImpoerter.exe' file and the '' file must be placed directly in the Blender 'scrpts'/'addon' folder. Start Blender and open the 'User Preferences'. Select the 'Add ons' drop down menu; find the 'Import-Export: TRAINZ Exporter' check-off box and check it. This will allow the importer/exporter to work within Blender.
have done the no problem,but when it comes to the exe file and yes did run it via administrator all i get is a c file with error no exe file
what have i done wrong now?
All you need to do is copy the Trainzmeshimporter.exe file into Blender as noted above. It's an executable opened by Blender.......not by you.
i have done everything you guys have told me but now comes up with an error
am i thick or what don't answer can already hear the answer
Now what?
What does the error say?
Is the exporter installed and enabled? To check this, open Blender, click on 'File' in the upper header bar, then find the 'Export' header in the roll down menu. Click on that and another rollout will open showing you your all your export choices. Among them you should see 'Trainz mesh and animation...'.
Clicking on 'Trainz mesh and animation...' will initiate the export process. When complete you will be presented with the Blender Files screen, where youc choose a folder to save your export files; an .I'm file, an .xlm file, a exporter log file, and a texture.txt file(s). If something is wrong Blender will kick out an error message. you may also get a exporter log file showing all errors.
have checked and double checked all is there but still get the error,Blender has updated my version to 2.76
a little about me: 70 years of age blind in one eye due to a tumor (can not be removed)
i am running win 10 64bit Blender 2.66a.
tried to run as amd but now new error export failed check log (wheres log)?
i am very graful to all for helping me to overcome this problem all i have left in life is my Trainz.
I hope you get this solved ... I feel for your situation ... hope I can help in some way

Skype: cascaderailroad

WoW, you have 1536 asset creations on the DLS :cool:
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Shilborn, you are throwing the same error in Blender as jasonbarno (see content creation forum, below).
As a check I just ran Trainz export on one of my models in Blender. I am running Win10 and Blender 2.75a. It ran successfully with no errors. This eliminates Win 10 and that Blender version as the culprit. I honestly can't say what the problem is. You can try a reinstall of the two files into Blender addons folder and re-enabling the add-on in User Preferences.