Trainz Start up problems


New member
I have suddenly started to have start up problems in Trainz 2006 and Content Manager Plus.
I am getting the following Fatal Error message on start up and haven't a clue how to get round it.

Class: Hardware
Reason: Access Violation
Version: JetvRRRRR.RR Build 1234.5QQQQQ

Exception @ 004235EF in d:\program files\auran\trs2006\bin\launcher.exe

Recoverable exception: Yes

EAX:00000000 EBX: 00000000 ECX: 01E1ED18 EDX: 01E1ED18
ESP: 01E1ECE0 EBP: 004B2E70 ESI: 00000000 EDI: 022E99AC

DS: 00000023 FS: 0000003B
ES: 00000023 GS: 00000000
SS: 00000023 CS:EIP:001B:004235EF

Flags: 00010246 (CF:0 ZF:1 SF:0

Call Stack:

004235EF - 00000001(+225EF) d:\program files\auran\trs2006\bin\launcher.exe

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
HI Jontee and welcome to the forum.:wave:
Sorry to sound annoying, but it is one of the Code of Conduct (CoC) rules not to double-post about subjects.
I uploaded the post ONCE. This is the first time I have used the Forum so perhaps when I went to Preview Post and then Submit Reply it was uploaded twice.
Thanks to the gentleman who replied so quickly to my problem. Although it did not fix things I appreciate his help.


Sorry, this appears to be a niggly error with the forum software. I have noticed it all over the web now.

As for your problem, I would recommend running dxdiag.exe to check for any problems. Just type dxdiag.exe into the run box, and work through every tab letting it run everything to check if you have a hardware problem.
hi, we have had this exact same fatel error message today,I dont have a clue on how to solve it,
any help would be greatly appreciated
Netiquette - annoying or what?

HI Jontee and welcome to the forum.:wave:
Sorry to sound annoying, but it is one of the Code of Conduct (CoC) rules not to double-post about subjects.

Will you people stop being so pathetic. So what? i am fed up of all this no double posting or whatever crap. Who cares? you would have to be a super-geek to give a crap.

i really am quite fed up of "Racism against noobs:hehe: ", but I was a bit hot under the collar when I made my previous remark:o (just lost a bet to a friend under rather unfair circumstances...:( ).
Sorry collinsl................
btw TNG = Best Star Trek ever, Patrick Stewart is awesome!;)

and i have used to many smilies in this message:D
