Trainz Railroad Simulator at Best Buy stores


New member

I'm an owner of Ultimate Trainz Collection, I haven't been on here for a couple of years (at least)...

I see that Best Buy stores in Minnesota (USA) are selling "Trainz Railroad Simulator" in a PC DVD, for $9.99. It doesn't say which version of Trainz it is.
Here's the link to the product page at Best Buy:

Any idea what version this is? I suppose I can't lose when it's only $9.99 but I'd still like to know. Thanks very much!

My memory fails me increasingly often these days, and this may be an instance of that, but if you search the forum for Merscom, you may be able to find out for yourself whether it has again, or not. That said, my recollection is that a new issue by Merscom in the U.S. is due about now, which includes a full working copy of TRS 2006, and TRS Classics 1 & 2, for about 20 USD. If my memory is serving me better than it sometimes does, that is the version to buy, even if you have to wait another week or two to get it.

The engine shown is identical to the engine on the CDs I have for TRS2006.
They also mention Content Manager Plus.

I'm an owner of Ultimate Trainz Collection, I haven't been on here for a couple of years (at least)...

I see that Best Buy stores in Minnesota (USA) are selling "Trainz Railroad Simulator" in a PC DVD, for $9.99. It doesn't say which version of Trainz it is.
Here's the link to the product page at Best Buy:

Any idea what version this is? I suppose I can't lose when it's only $9.99 but I'd still like to know. Thanks very much!


I bought this also and it's trainz 2.6 build 3337
This version is also being sold here in the UK under the FocusMM brand for £9.99 (or £6.99 from on line).

I'm not sure what (if any) improvements there are over the previous "final" build 3270 but as mentioned on another thread there is a distinct advantage in that this version doesn't need the DVD in the drive to run. It also seems (again just my perception) to be slightly more Vista compatible.

So my previous versions of 2004 and 2006 have been ditched in favour of 3337. Must say I'm quite impressed at the selection of default material over 2004. The interface of Surveyor is like an old friend welcoming you home after two weeks of trying to understand the convoluted blueprints and arcane Route Editor of the Kuju/EA Rail Simulator. (Which has also been ditched).