Trainz menu text has become broken and blurry?


Hi .. Silly question perhaps but I have recently noticed that the menu text within Surveyor and Driver is almost impossible to read - it has never been a problem but within the last two weeks the letters are slightly broken up and blurred looking.

I have googled many solutions and all other text (including this forum) look perfect as ever.

However, I have noticed in Microsoft word a similar problem with some fonts?? (within the same time-frame)

I have tried resetting "cleartype" and looked for other solutions but nothing is fixing this...
Not sure if it is allied to a windows update or such?

I am running TZ2004 on a vista O.S. with a 4:3 aspect Monitor set to 1024 x 768 - The graphics card is GeForce GTS250 and using DirectX v.11

Any suggestions appreciated..

Thanks Shane - I have always used DirectX .... Today I tried changing in settings to OpenGL and it did actually improve the text appearance - but not like it used to be!
I set it back to DirectX after trying that.
Strange Outcome to this....
My PC automatically installed a new windows update and now the fonts are all back to normal!
I had a suspicion that it had been caused by the previous update as I noticed the issue on the day it installed it...
Not sure of the why but at least the situation is resolved.
thanks for looking folks