trainz in 3D


Day do doh dont day doh
How to see your trainz layouts in full 3D [stereoscopic] depth. ONLY works if you have a good FPS .1 choose a loco that has a head out of window view [L & R]. 2 two pairs of sunglasses ,one with left lens removed one with right removed. 3 run sim, stick head out of window.4 If looking out of left side,have dark lens over left eye or vice versa. start loco moving forward. Tip just zoom view a little.:)
Another way is to pull a pair of ladies nylon stockings over your head...


:hehe::hehe::hehe::hehe: Great, Håkan, great, I was laughing for a while until my wife came to the rescue to see if something was wrong with me. :hehe::hehe::hehe::hehe::hehe:

Let's bring the old funny temper back to this forum.

Alberte :wave:
How to see your trainz layouts in full 3D [stereoscopic] depth. ONLY works if you have a good FPS .1 choose a loco that has a head out of window view [L & R]. 2 two pairs of sunglasses ,one with left lens removed one with right removed. 3 run sim, stick head out of window.4 If looking out of left side,have dark lens over left eye or vice versa. start loco moving forward. Tip just zoom view a little.:)

Actually does work. Remember the Dr Who special episode? ("The Five Doctors" of 1984 or there abouts I think). Works because the eye processes dim images slightly slower than bright ones. Result is two slightly different images coming to the brain from each eye, which gives the 3D effect. Loco must be moving as it only works with moving images.
A pair of ladies nylon stockings may work if you just pull it over one eye... haven't tried that one...fear of looking ridiculous...
Thats right ''Davidbird'' .Its called the pulfrich effect .First discovered by a german physicist ''Carl Pulfrich'' in 1922. works with video and film with high frame rate . [and mobile phones].If you dont mind silly looks .will have to try stockings over my head,to rob a bank,not for 3D :hehe: