Trainz Forge Olympic Lumber Co. route cannot find locomotives & rolling stock.

I downloaded Trainz Forge's Olympic Lumber co. Route, but when I installed it, I cannot find the locomotives & rolling stock shown in the advertising shots on the route page, can someone please tell me where I can find the locomotives and rolling stock.
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Did you notice that the Trainz Forge website has a steam narrow gauge locomotive page? Image 6 of 13 seems to show similar looking locomotives that can be downloaded. I don't have a version of Trainz that can load build 5.0 assets, so I can't offer better advice.
Edit: Also image 9 of 13 seems to show the #191 locomotive.
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Did you notice that the Trainz Forge website has a steam narrow gauge locomotive page? Image 6 of 13 seems to show similar looking locomotives that can be downloaded. I don't have a version of Trainz that can load build 5.0 assets, so I can't offer better advice.
Edit: Also image 9 of 13 seems to show the #191 locomotive.
Thank You
You're welcome. I was online this morning.
The route and the sessions are build 5.0, but the locos and rolling stock are build 4.6 or lower. I didn't see anything labeled as Olympic.