Trainz for sale/buying a new version

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New member
I've decided to put up the previous version one of my kids has up for sale. I was sincerely hoping someone would be interested in buying it.

Also, my son has said he is wanting a new version of "Trainz". What is the latest version that I should purchase? I imagine Trainz Classics? And would his things from the last version work with it? Thanks. :)
The problem with selling it is that if you've registered the serial number, it's not transferrable as far as I know. Someone would be buying it and not be able to download from the DLS because it's registered under your username.

Could someone please help?

You need help selling something to some one complete with access to the DLS that legally isn't transferable and you're using Auran forums to ask for help? And if they wish to buy a first class ticket and their credit card doesn't match your name you'd like help in sorting that one out as well?


Currently Auran is in financial trouble if you want them to continue I suggest buy the latest version direct from Auran on line. Buying retail gets Auran about 10% of what you pay, buying direct puts more cash into Trainz which means it gets improved. When you compare it to the cost of a single HO loco any brand any model it a very reasonable cost.

The other thing you might like to do is understand what you have at the moment. TRS2006 with SP1 is in fact a fairly solid version of Trainz and there is very little content it is not capable of running since TC doesn't have that many new features and most content is made with a 2.4 version number or TRS2004 sp4. Also you'll need the .ja files from TRS2006 to make use of the built-in content needed by many layouts. It's not included in normal TC1/2, but you could probably buy a cheap second hand copy on ebay to give you those files.

The latest content on Trainz is normally found on the DLS or possibly TPR.

Cheerio John
The problem with selling it is that if you've registered the serial number, it's not transferrable as far as I know. Someone would be buying it and not be able to download from the DLS because it's registered under your username.


Im just curious about this and i know its not susposed to be talked about but what if when you sell it to someone you give them your username/password etc? Cause if its only that stoping you? Or when the next person will install it and types in the serial number it wont work right?
Like i said just curious :D

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