TrainZ customization general questions


New member

I have some questions about trainZ customization:

- Is it possible to interface trainZ with an home made driving desk. I am building an desk replication and would like to interface it with trainZ. I have seen real driver but does some one know how it is interfaced with train Z ?

- I would like to integrate my own train model in trainZ. I allready have some model code in C. Is it possible to interface it with trainZ (exchanging speed and acceleration)

- I would like to customis the signaling system. Add some signals and add singal rules. It is possible to add a stop signal that trig an emergency breake id the train cross the signal at 90km/h or higher.

There are many questions in this post. But i am a bit lost for instant.

I have some questions about trainZ customization:

- Is it possible to interface trainZ with an home made driving desk. I am building an desk replication and would like to interface it with trainZ. I have seen real driver but does some one know how it is interfaced with train Z ?

- I would like to integrate my own train model in trainZ. I allready have some model code in C. Is it possible to interface it with trainZ (exchanging speed and acceleration)

- I would like to customis the signaling system. Add some signals and add singal rules. It is possible to add a stop signal that trig an emergency breake id the train cross the signal at 90km/h or higher.

There are many questions in this post. But i am a bit lost for instant.

Hello simubuilder

windwalkr (Chris Bergmann) has answered your questions on the Trainz Dev forum


Homebuilt control desks

windwalkr (Chris Bergmann) has answered your questions on the Trainz Dev forum.

How do you access the Trainz Dev forums? I've looked an can only find the discussion forums. I would also be interesetd in more information on this topic. My understanding is that an Auxilliary Program Interface (API) is required which apparently is not part of Trainz. Is this true?

windwalkr (Chris Bergmann) has answered your questions on the Trainz Dev forum.

How do you access the Trainz Dev forums? I've looked an can only find the discussion forums. I would also be interesetd in more information on this topic. My understanding is that an Auxilliary Program Interface (API) is required which apparently is not part of Trainz. Is this true?



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