Trainz Classics


New member
Hi all!

I think Trainz is one of the very few games that can be played a veeeery long time. :) I wish I found it long before I actually did. After marriage i dont get a lot of time for games, but nevertheless i find an hour or two from time to time to start up Trainz 2006 and build something. I've found the Trainz Classics page but never payed close attention to it since there was not enough info about exactly what it is and/or lack of in-depth information. Recently I opened the forums and I got a feeling that Trainz Classics is actually a new version of Trainz 2006, though I might be wrong. I did try to search forums and I did try to search Google but I couldnt find definite answer to my questions. :confused: So, if anyone can point me in the right direction, i will much appreciate it. And forgive me if its been explained somewhere and i missed it while searching. I also apologize if this is a wrong forum for this question.

So here are the questions:
1. Is Trainz Classics actually a new version of Trainz 2006? (is it built on new engine or just an add-on to Trainz 2006)

-- following questions are only valid it Trainz Classics is a new version or includes new or improved features.

2. Is it for sale in US? (i've been trying to look it up on different sites with no luck)... i was able to find Trainz 2006 on, but not Trainz Classics
3. Where should I go to buy it? I know it is available at the Auran Online Shop but i would prefer to buy it from some local stores or maybe downloadable online version.
4. Is there a demo version? I would like to try few things that have been bothering me in 2006.
5. If there is no demo available i would appreciate if someone can let me know if following aspects have been changed or maybe there are alternatives in 2006:
- "Smooth spline height" tool (i believe thats how it is called)... i wonder if it is intended feature when using that tool ground doesnt come up to the rail spline and there is always a gap
- fixed (as in static) track curve... when you attach turnover to the curved track it usually breaks that curve and using "Straight track" tool would not help since i would like to keep it curved.

Thank you very much. :wave:
I appreciate in advance for your help and sorry if some of the words are misleading in some way since english is not my native language.
1. It's the same engine, but it has lot (a LOT) of bugfixes, and quite a bit more under the hood than '06.

2. It's for sale in the US. In the US however, it's called Trainz Railwayz :hehe:, which should explain why you haven't been able to find it!

3. I bought my issue at Best Buy. You could also look online to buy it but this time search for Railwayz.
2. It's for sale in the US. In the US however, it's called Trainz Railwayz :hehe:, which should explain why you haven't been able to find it!

:D Thanks.. Wow! I saw this one few times and never occured to me that this is the one... And apparently i havent payed attention to release date. If i saw it earlier i would probably get a hint that this might be it. Which makes me wonder... was it released (in US) just about a month ago?

Anyways, only few things is keeping me from buying it. Unfortunately it looks like there is no demo available, which is kinda dissapointing but not a big problem. If someone could let me know answers to the other questions it would be appreciated or if needed I will ask that in another forum section.

Thanks again
:D Thanks.. Wow! I saw this one few times and never occured to me that this is the one... And apparently i havent payed attention to release date. If i saw it earlier i would probably get a hint that this might be it. Which makes me wonder... was it released (in US) just about a month ago?

Anyways, only few things is keeping me from buying it. Unfortunately it looks like there is no demo available, which is kinda dissapointing but not a big problem. If someone could let me know answers to the other questions it would be appreciated or if needed I will ask that in another forum section.

Thanks again

Improvements over TRS2006 I have found:

The undo-bug is fixed (you can use undo without fear)
Better more accurate shadowing
Much better average FPS.
CMP has a lot of fixes, it runs a lot better and is also more informative.
Numerous, numerous bug fixes to Trainz
Search somewhat improved

Many other things. To say the least I am impressed with TC. :wave:
TC clash

I have a friend who ran TRS04 for many a year but after installing TC everything went up the wall, now 04 refuses to start let alone run.
At least 2 re-installs later things are no better...

TRS2004, TRS2006 and TC are three separate versions of Trainz. Each have their advantages and disadvantages, each have their proponents and opponents :) None can be patched into one of the others. To some extent and with some difficulties assets can be moved between them.

FWIW here's how I see things. Other people will almost certainly offer different views of course.

TRS2004 is highly stable, has a simple and reilable way of managing assets, can run scenarios, has all the standard built-in assets, is compatible with Trainz Objectz (a very useful freeware third part asset management utility), is compatible with PaintShed (a freeware Auran rolling stock skinning utility), and is now widely available at low cost.

TRS2006 is less stable, has a very complicated and unreliable way of managing assets (CMP), can't run scenarios (except by using the highly technical proprietry means by which the Razorback Railway converts them into Driver sessions), has all the standard built-in assets, isn't compatible with Trainz Objectz, includes PaintShed, and is now widely available at low cost.

Trainz Classics (aka Trainz Railways in the UK, aka Trainz Railwayz in the USA) also suffers from CMP, can't run scenarios, lacks many of the standard built-in assets, isn't compatible with Trainz Objectz, isn't compatible with PaintShed, is reported as running faster and smoother, and is still only available at full price.

You pays your money and you takes your choice! :)

Just fired up TC to answer your question:

No, Track is still left floating above the raised terrain.

There is no fixed track available in TC so one can assume that that bug is not fixed. You would have to import the built-in assets from TRS2006 to have fixed track in TC. Since it is the same track I assume it still has the same problem. Perhaps someone that has imported it can verify.

TC has very little in the way of assets for building routes. It took me less than 10 minutes to look at everything.
