Trainz Classics: Pre-Ordered, Paid, Just Waiting...

Ok, ok... I know I'm not THE first one. But, I'm curious to see how long it takes to show-up in my mailbox assuming it flies on day-one.

It's 5/22/07, I've paid $40.94 USD for a game I already own several versions of. I've convinced myself that it will actually mail-out on 6/24 like the pre-order said. I'm SO excited about the new version, because I just KNOW that Auran fixed the sound problems that plauged TRS2006 (even though no one claims they did.) I'm not even worried about the content that I've spent MONTHS working on in TRS2006... I just KNOW there will be no compatibility problems.

I've spent $$$ on version after version Trainz... More $$$ upgrading my computer and video... More $$$ on a RailDriver... Now I MUST HAVE a TrackIR 4 for even more $$$. (My wife's gonna KILL ME when she discovers this new gadget in the house!) ...Not to mention the COUNTLESS hours I spend hidden away in my computer room, loco engine noises melting through the walls for the whole family to enjoy. And then, when no one's looking, I spend more $$$ and time creating and maintaining a Trainz fan website (as if I can't get enough.)

I can't help but wonder, is this some strange form of addiction not too far removed from that of alcohol or tobacco?

...Strangely, I sit here smiling... looking out at the mailbox, just waiting, knowing there are others out there just like me.

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;) Rick for Auran CEO, merged with GAURC.

You are really a great supporter of the Trainz adventure, fortunately for Auran (like many others over here, me included :p)

Keep enjoying it and open doors at your computer room to your wifey... ;)

Alberte :D
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I've been considering getting Trainz Classics when I get a not-so-POS laptop, I've also considered testing with it to see if the PTP addons will work with it. I just hope they do:rolleyes:.

This could be the lowest key Trainz release ever, though I'm not sure that's a bad thing. There have been a lot of unrealistic expectations in the past.
Rick --

At first I was sure that you were not being serious, but now ... !!

"Last year I thought I was very indecisive; this year I'm not so sure."

Hi Rick,

Yes, its a strange, sinister addiction.:D

Beware all who enter.....You are free to leave at any time........But you cannot. Muhahh..Hah..Hah....Haaaaaa.

I'm ordering TC next payday............The adventure continues.:)

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Along this years i pay to have a game Trainz.....

The expectations are greath but the greath of this game never happens.

Simple things are a long time ago lost, and when i say lost is that now is very lale to put this on the rails.

Scripts ok
but making trains making the operations and when they have timings interactings ones with others, are poor.

This time i going buy another time the game probably to colect one more.
I hope that this time signals and one only side track have the possibility that the system of signals work perfectly, because without a signal config system the problem is on and on and on.

But the fun are this things.

greath plays to all Trainzers..
I hope that this time signals and one only side track have the possibility that the system of signals work perfectly, because without a signal config system the problem is on and on and on.

Hi Tritek,

Sorry, could not help noticing the above.

In 2006, I have been using "Jetstreemsky's" signals and they are working perfectly well.

If you wish too discuss this further we could jump over too a more apropriate part of Forum.

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I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!

Moments (actually, it was the next day) after I paid for my copy of Trainz Classics... I get an email from Auran.

...The release date for Trainz Classics has changed to 09/07/2007...

It figures... just because I ordered it.


Do the Ozzies (i.e. Auran) write the date as Day Month Year (like we do)?
i.e. release date 9 July?

Or has it moved to Sept?

Why can't we all use ISO dates;)

I think they use the same system as us. The current release date is showing as July 9th in the Auran shop anyway ;)

Never considered that... I just assumed the date read the same way we (USA) do it. Kind of inconsiderate of me, I guess (sorry.)

It would be really cool if you are right... The way I read the date, I take is as Sept.

Moments (actually, it was the next day) after I paid for my copy of Trainz Classics... I get an email from Auran.

It figures... just because I ordered it.

How did you order please as there doesn't seem to be a pre-order button in the online shop yet?
:p TRS2004ers claimed the same about TRS2006... ;) Were you one of them? I can't remember because the list of TRS2004 resistance movement members got lost after the Forum Big Crash. ;)

Take care,

Alberte :D

One of them is still here :)

I will wait to order once you all have received and tested it and it is ok, I still remember I pre paid well over AU$ 100 for my TRS 2006 DVD version but I was so disappointed with its initial release. Now I use TRS 2006 only to test my TRS 2004 creations :(

Btw, I still have the odd sound issue with TRS 2006, even after installing the SP1 but these do not exist in my TRS 2004. Even after trying out several different sound cards.

Once bitten, twice shy :D

