Okay - first of all, I'm back - it's been a long time since I've been ont he forums - I kinda got out of train simming and into flight simming. I've crashed enough planes now and feel ready to get back into route building.
Questions on Trainz Classic, that I can't seem to find the answers to:
1. Will Trainz Classic 3 take advantage of Intel duo core 2 processors?
2. When can I place an order for TC3 at the on-line shop? I see Trainz Classic at the shop, but i don't know which edition.
3. I assume I can import TRS2006 routes and models into TC3?
4. I'm excited to see the signalling changes - finally recognise home and distant signals - question is, will Allister see them too.
5. Is the AI still pathing based on junction to junction, or will it be signal to signal - as is the normal practice on a signalled routes?
6. Will the signalling be set by path - that is, can the signal see beyond one junction to the next signal to determine state?
Looking forward to TC3 - nice choice of route for it - should be a winner.
Questions on Trainz Classic, that I can't seem to find the answers to:
1. Will Trainz Classic 3 take advantage of Intel duo core 2 processors?
2. When can I place an order for TC3 at the on-line shop? I see Trainz Classic at the shop, but i don't know which edition.
3. I assume I can import TRS2006 routes and models into TC3?
4. I'm excited to see the signalling changes - finally recognise home and distant signals - question is, will Allister see them too.
5. Is the AI still pathing based on junction to junction, or will it be signal to signal - as is the normal practice on a signalled routes?
6. Will the signalling be set by path - that is, can the signal see beyond one junction to the next signal to determine state?
Looking forward to TC3 - nice choice of route for it - should be a winner.