Trainz 2007 ????


I have just found this on Amazon and wondered if any of you know what version this really is. Its the only place that I have seen it.

Trainz 2007 is available in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada distributed by Anuman Interactive. There are two versions, Standard this consists of Trainz 2006 with SP1 applied and Gold which also includes some French regional add-on items.
There is also a version of Trainz 2007 published by Halycon Media GmbH&Co.KG available in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with additional German regional content instead of French content as with the other Trainz 2007
Trainz 2007 is available in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Canada distributed by Anuman Interactive. There are two versions, Standard this consists of Trainz 2006 with SP1 applied and Gold which also includes some French regional add-on items.
There is also a version of Trainz 2007 published by Halycon Media GmbH&Co.KG available in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with additional German regional content instead of French content as with the other Trainz 2007

basing off the picture I would assume that the one shown above is the german one.

Trainz 2007 is the *second* version of Trainz 2006 for the German market (and other German speaking countries like part of Switzerland and Austria), the original one was ProTrain Perfect (TRS2006 without SP1), but due to some problems with the publisher, BlueSky Interactive. Auran sort of pulled out of it, earlier this year Auran began communications with Halycon Media, a major German game publisher, and the result was Trainz 2007.

Released this summer it has been well received by the German trainzer community and most users have switched over to it, I myself am one of them and rather glad for doing so. Trainz 2007 is simply Trainz 2006+SP1 with some extra builtin German content, some from the DLS and some from 3rd party websites and content creators. Halycon is also planning an addon for the game to be released early next year, it will contain additional German content including some fitted with working PZB 90 equipment (German in cab signaling system).

The only shortcoming with this is that some users who make Trainz content with 2007 might not note that in the DLS item description. This can cause some problems as the build number is 3325 (can't remember if its that exact number at the moment).

I do hope I've informed you lot enough:p

Guten Tag WileeCoyote,

Thank you for your knowledgeable information to us all, can you please tell me what routes are on this version, as I may like to purchase it.....I am very interested in German and Austrian layouts particularly.


Cheerz. ex-railwayman.
In addition to the routes from TRS2006 Trainz 2007 with the bonuspacks (a free addon to Trainz 2007 that you can download from Halycon once you buy and register Trainz 2007) has several routes that are exclusive to it.

Bad Schandau-Děčín is a demo of the line going that runs from Dresden to

Děčín in the Czech Republic, the full version of the route made by HP Trainz should be released later next year.

Montparnasse is a fictional French route built around Paris (I have no idea why this was included).

Roanne 07 is another fictional route in France with no real world basis.

Thueringen Romantik Strecke is a fictional German route set in the large forests of Thueringen.

Winter in Germany is yet another fictional German route that is set in the winter season here, though with how much snow there is the author must have made it about two years back:hehe:

Wirtschaftswunder DE is a fictional route that harks back to the time of Germany's massive economic recovery following the Second World War when German industry soared and the railways along with it.

Hope your happy:p

Yes, thank you so very much WileeCoyote, very kind of you to list everything. I am also a little bemused as to why there are French layouts on your German version...Are there German routes on the French version, one may well ask...:hehe:

Thanks again.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.