Train speeds into portals


Active member
Hi, can someone tell me how I can make a train maintain its speed whilst entering a portal? I have a number of portals on my route and trains on the route drive towards them at the defined speed limit but as soon as they get near to, and enter the portal they slow to about 15mph? If the speed limit for the route is set to say 60mph is there a way to make the train maintain this speed right up to the point where it is consumed?

Thanks, Andy
Hello Andy

Don't use the Trainz standard portal

Use the Maggs portal in DLS

Re-rail Portal Basic [FONT=Verdana, Arial]KUID2:[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial]116387:6:1
[/FONT]Re-rail Portal [FONT=Verdana, Arial]KUID2:[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana, Arial]116387:5:1

A Portal that extends the functionality of the standard Auran portal as follows:

Adds the ability to re-rail trains/vehicles
- Monitors the whole map for de-railed trains.
- Choose to re-rail or delete the derailed train.
- Choose to filter the de-railed trains that can be handled by this portal.
- The trains will be re-railed with their current driver, schedule and vehicle loads (where applicable).

Production changes
- A production start delay can now be set, as well as the production period time.
- A consist for production can be selected either randomly or sequentially from the consist list.
- Consists that do not contain a locomotive are now emitted from the portal correctly.

Consumption changes (your question)
- Vehicles entering the portal at a high speed (200 mph/320 kph) are now consumed correctly.


Hola Manuel , gracias por lo respuesta , YO albedrío pruébalo

(Sorry if my Spanish is not quite up to scratch!)

Kind regards, Andy :D