Train Assets Not Saving When Editing Route


I recently purchased two items for my Trainz+; the PRR T1 pack ( ) and the RVSX Vegetation Control Train pack ( ). I opened my custom route using "Edit Route" placed these assets where I wanted them, and saved the route. When I re-open in "Edit Route", the assets are not there. I've repeated this several times, so I am confident that this is not simply a "finger problem". Irritatingly, it insists I save the session (which is pointless, as all I am doing right now is building the layout and staging assets where I want them), and if I re-open using "Edit Session" the assets are there, but are in when I edit the route. This behaviour is NOT replicated in any of the other locomotives or rolling stock, only the T1 and the Vegetation Control Train, and the properties are identical for an asset that does "disappear" and one that does not. Is there a way to correct this, or have I simply wasted my money? Thanks!
It sounds like the assets are in the Session layer and you need to move them to the route layer.

That was what I thought initially, but that doesn't seem to be the case (unless I'm missing something, entirely possible). Top image is the T1 & properties. This does NOT save in the route. Below that is another locomotive which has saved without any issues at all...


Weird... they show when I check them on different machines...

Just two screen shots; one showing the properties for the T1 and the other for a CNJ Hudson, both have the layer set as 'Route-Layer' but the T1 doesn't save, while all the others do...
They're hosted on my business website; no issue with permissions there.

I have had no problems viewing them on my copy of Firefox. They appeared as soon as I loaded the thread, no permissions or anything else required.
Sorry, must be me. Even using Firefox with "inspect accessibility properties", and then just "inspect", I am not even finding them.
Thanks for the links. Well I am stumped as well. I was hoping some more knowledgeable folks would chime in here. Maybe a ticket to the help desk? Do your routes save OK otherwise if you change other types of assets?
Thanks for the links. Well I am stumped as well. I was hoping some more knowledgeable folks would chime in here. Maybe a ticket to the help desk? Do your routes save OK otherwise if you change other types of assets?

Seems to.. signals save, structures/splines/etc all good. Just locomotives and rolling stock are the problem. Thanks for the help!