Tracks not appearing.


New member
I have downloaded TLW Suburban Colorado from a freeware site and the trackwork although not visible except for small portions of turnouts is there as i can run trains on it, i cannot see it.

Is there a solution to make the track visible?

Thanks Dave.

Hi Albions,

Are you running TRS2006 or 2004. If it is in TRS2006 open CMP, click on "today" top tab button, find the track, highlite it then right click on it and select view depedencys. This should tell if the track is not installed on your computer. If it is in TRS2004 you can do almost the same thing in TrianzObjectz. Track not installed is the most likely thing that is causing your problem.

Hope this helps,
Thanks Bill69 .
It is loaded into 04 and i have checked TrainzObjectz and apart from a few missing textures appears to be ok.
As i said in my original post the track appears to be there as i can run trains on it but the track is not visible.

Dave, the map has the geometry of the track route defined in the trk file because the the track was available to the creator of the route. Trainz uses that to run the trains not the track mesh files - they're used only to display the track. Your system will see the geometry of the track route but unless you have the mesh files it won't display the track. In surveyor you see white or yellow circles marking the vertices and you can run the trains in Driver but no track shows up.

My guess is that the track files aren't installed or the dispatcher cache hasn't been updated if they were installed (as Stagecoach's suggestion would fix). Depending on the setup of the map's config the system might not indicate anything is missing. Particularly if someone replaced the track on the map and didn't update the kuid-table in the config.

It's possible in those cases to read the trk file and find the actual kuids that are used but I'm not sure if TrainzObjects does this - I think it just reads the map's config file and determines dependencies on what it finds there. That would be the only utility out there that might. I use my own programs to do it.

Contacting the author of the route might be the best solution and ask what track he used if you draw a blank on everything else.

Bob Pearson
stagecoach thanks for your tip but seeing as this is a download from a freeware site although it contains DLS content, would i delete the 3rd party chump or the world dispatcher chump.

Thanks Bob ,i am working through all the possibilities, i might as well ask you the same question i asked stagecoach, as it was a freeware download do i delete the 3rd party chump file or the world dispatcher chump file?

If installed from a cdp file it would be under dispatcher. You can delete all the chump files if uncertain it just takes trainz a little longer to recreate them.

I just looked at the route - at least Tyler's ver 1 beta. It looks like a lot of the track is from the Hottrain group. Check their web site ( if you don't have it installed though TO should have picked it up. I'm not sure if you need to register to download or not.

Bob Pearson
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