Track problem...


Active member
Can someone please explain me why is this happening?

This is how the tracks look when i edit the route (as it should look)


And this is how it looks when i edit the session...


You have certain splines on separate layers. The easiest way to fix this is to simply merge down everything to the Route layer.
If this is not an option, you will need to manually find the spline that is on the wrong layer. Toggling the visibility on and off may help, but it's still a tedious task.

Sometimes, the offending spline might not be a track at all. Follow the corrupted track to it's start/end-points and look to see if it's trying to connect to another spline, maybe a road or fence for example.
You have certain splines on separate layers. The easiest way to fix this is to simply merge down everything to the Route layer.
If this is not an option, you will need to manually find the spline that is on the wrong layer. Toggling the visibility on and off may help, but it's still a tedious task.

Sometimes, the offending spline might not be a track at all. Follow the corrupted track to it's start/end-points and look to see if it's trying to connect to another spline, maybe a road or fence for example.

I don't have separate splines on separate layers. I just entered the session, wanted to place a train on that track (the right side of the pictures) and realized that the straight piece of track is missing. I quit the session, entered into "Edit Route" mode, noticed that the straight track is also missing, layed the track, a straight piece of track going towards the right side of the screenshots, saved the route and only the route, then went again to "Edit Session". And the result is what you see in the photos. I haven't layed tracks in the session layer. Anyway, i shortened the straight track and now everything seems fine, but still, this is another bug of this game.

Probably the offending spline is indeed some road or fence, because after shortening the track the problem was fixed, and initially the track was going under a bridge...THis game still amezes me with all these errors.
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My guess is you have a portal saved to the session. Happend to me before; you get some weird track behaviour by that.
Whenever you get this problem, stay in the session. Insert a spline point near where the track goes to infinitum and delete that remaining infinitum. Now move and join the new spline end to where it was supposed to go and you are all set. The route will show this change. Yes it is a bug and N3V has done nothing to fix it.
We know Tane is around the corner. This problem has been around for several years now..., and many including me, have complained for long time..