
New member
:confused: Now I have to ask the question... Do we commit or revert, or revert to original when we bring stuff into the CMP from older versions of TRS?

The problem seems to be that when you import CMP's even some new ones in to CMP, they show up as 'Warnings' or 'Faulty' (an Orange, or Red exclamation mark), so we find ourselves in a quandry as to whether to risk it by 'committing them' and have them do this to us, or guess whether we should 'revert' or revert to orginal' so that we might get an asset or its dependencies without any 'Warnings' or 'Faults'...

It is perhaps wises to opt for caution here, because when we get a new lot of downloads from the DLS, ones that we are really looking forward to using, then we open up our CMP, go to import them, ?????Well???? begs the question... should I commit them if they have not already committed automatically, or should one be very cautious and opt for 'revert' or revert to original... I now find myself saying 'err on the side of caution and 'revert'...

It is no longer automatically wise to hasten into 'commiting'...for dong so might run you the risk of getting the red mark next to them in the CMP...

However I do feel that this is because of the huge number of old assets, and old dependencies in the DLS that are well overdue for an update to TRS 12 standards....

" Hasten to 'Commit at your own risk, err on the side of caution and 'revert' or revert to original'
Yellow signs are only warnings they do not stop a asset from showing
Revert to fix I think only works on built in items - if you import an item I am sure revert will not work. Revert is for when you localy mod an item and stuff up the changes.

No matter what you do you need to commit an item to the data base to get it to work even after you have use a revert command.

Stand by cause I think an expert will come along soon and give a whole diffent point of view soon
There is no need to commit the asset after choosing the Revert command, for the Revert command puts the asset back into the database automatically.

