TMR17 Patch and Basemapz


New member
Hi everyone,

Just purchased Trainz Model Railroad 2017 yesterday. Installed it without any issues. Ran it for the first time, downloaded the assets, closed the app and restarted and it was telling me there was an update for it. Tried to run the updater but it keeps telling me there is no update. But when I start TMR17 over again, it says there is a patch.

Also, where is basemapz supposed to be. I can't find it in the extras director.


Hi everyone,

Just purchased Trainz Model Railroad 2017 yesterday. Installed it without any issues. Ran it for the first time, downloaded the assets, closed the app and restarted and it was telling me there was an update for it. Tried to run the updater but it keeps telling me there is no update. But when I start TMR17 over again, it says there is a patch.

Also, where is basemapz supposed to be. I can't find it in the extras director.



Hi Alex,

I don't know why you're getting another patch dialog. Is your build 85470, which can be found on the Launcher on the right corner.

The Basemapz program is found in the install folder under Extras- i.e. C:\Program Files\N3V Games\TMR17\Extras.

John build is 85103, so I guess I don't have the latest version, but won't let me get it using the patcher. Also, no directory called Extras in my install. I did use the web install to install it. Maybe I'll get the full download and reinstall it and see what happens.

You still have the older Pre-release/beta version and need to upgrade so that patching makes sense and the lack of Basemapsz.

Try the full install as that should contain everything. It's a 4GB download FYI.

It'll beat trying to fiddle with the settings to get the patcher to do it's thing, though it's not that bad as it used to be.

I just finished downloading the full version. Just installed and now its version 85470. And, just checked for the Extras directory, and its there with the basemapzSetup.msi file.

Thanks again :)

You're welcome. I'm glad it worked.

Do you have lots of plans to scan? I've been digging through my books... I've also looked online and found some sources which might work as well for plans.

Atlas Model Railroad has some on their website which will work. I built an older version of Scenic & Relaxed both as a real route and then as a Trainz route which I brought into TMR. It doesn't look that bad in there and I ran into some of the same limitations with curves and heights in the Trainz version as I did in the physical model, though fudging things is a lot easier in the virtual version.

HO Code 100 & True Track:


Code 55:

Code 80:

True Track:

Simply save the images after you click on them and import them into BMz.

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I don't have that many to scan, maybe 3 or so that I've found that I'd like to put into TMR. The one that I am really interested in is the old MR Clinchfield N scale layout. At one point when I was quite younger I tried to make it in N scale. I wan't very good at it. It wasn't a big layout, but for some reason it peaked my interest then, and still does.

I'll check out your links though.
