Time to make a start


Wonderfully Old Fashioned
Right... so I looked at this old thread...

What is keeping you from learning a 3D tool and start creating those steam engines?

Don't waste time writing "I do not know how", because we all had to start at some point not knowing how. Start learning, practicing and producing.

I am not forcing you to start, I am suggesting you to start.

What I am saying is this:
All the tools for what you want are already available. If you want specific content, go make it.

Then I'd suggest you don't want new locomotives enough to learn how to make them. If you really, really wanted them you would find a way to do it - but if you can't be bothered why should anybody else make them for you?

Important life lesson coming up - if you want to do something enough then you can do it.


I thought that maybe I should dive in, give a go, if I try, maybe I'll get something actually well done out of it.

Here goes.(Not straight away obviously)

Just one question...

What is the 3D program I should use for a newcomer?
I suggest you go with Blender.

- free (also if you are (no longer) a student)
- supported
- good demo videos and tutorials available
- software still being updated
- lot of community members use it
I would suggest blender as well. There is absolutely nothing you can do with 3ds that you cant do with blender (in relation to trainz that is).

https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Trainz/Tutorial_for_Blender is the place to start. This is where you need to learn what specific your models will need for proper exporting to trainz format. Stuff you will need regardless of modeling in 3ds or blender by the way.

http://online.ts2009.com/mediaWiki/index.php/Content_Creation here is the latest documentation for content creation. Note this is 2009 but as far as I know there has not been any other official releases since this wiki was put together. However there are people updating the wiki (myself included) all the time.

http://online.ts2009.com/mediaWiki/index.php/HowTo/Export_from_Blender this page has the information you need to get your blender environment setup to export the trainz im files. Note that N3V only provides the trainzimporter.exe the blender export script were created by community members because of there love of trainz.

When it comes to content creation there are alot of very harsh comments made in the forums. Creating a locomotive model is a huge undertaking especially. If you do it right you not only have to create one locomotive but 3 to 4 different models to produce one asset; one for each level of detail. So it's lots and lots and lots of work. The more complicated N3V has made there graphics engine the more work it takes to create a single asset and I haven't even looked into what new complexities TANE adds to the process yet. So I have nothing but appreciation for content creators. If anyone is a little gun shy of taking on such a task I completely understand. The hesitation has nothing to do with the desire for new content in my book.

However the rewards when you do create something that many people love is also something that just cant be described. Its amazingly rewarding.

So, I thought I'd make something like this.

(The Gangway Not titanic, The Gangway for those confused being the tall yellow/brown structure)
If something like this already exists, let me know.
If you want to 'make a start' maybe it's time you made a start by doing rather than talking about it and posting irrelevant and numerous threads...