Those Built-in Assets Are Becoming Annoying . . .


I have tried to have those older assets phased-out when I ran the TS04 and TS06. It was real easy with Terry's software (UK).
But now, it's nearly impossible !! In these newer upgrades (even from 09) they look really outdated if you can't find any to replace them.

Now I have all these real nice terrific model cars, Japanese school girls, real nice Nissan, Mercedes, Volvo, etc... vehicles.
Somebody please tell me how can I get rid of the old-school-assets, keep them from creeping back in so I can open up some more space
for the newer assets so that the TS12 and TANE can look better. Why even have them in there anyway. Assets that far back should not
even be allowed.

If there's a good answer, give it to me...
I understand, Shane. I really do. However, WHY do you think it was necessary to include new routes with old assets??
I have been confused since TS 2004. So far, nothing has helped. I'm not screaming at you, but the knuckleheads who planned some of this
merry-go-round. Common sense and earthly logic could have been in there on some meetings.

I better quit before my soapbox gets any taller.
Thank-you for the direct answer.
I have to agree with you on this. I think Trainz might do a lot better if the builtin routes and rolling stock were actually worth using.