The Frisco High Line

Ah, alright. I was just wondering because I was thinking about making the GM&O line from Mexico,MO to Kansas City,MO. That line is now formally the KCS Mexico Sub.

I'm very familiar with that line. My Grandmother lived on Scott Street in Independence, Mo. just a few blocks north of the old GM&O and MoPac lines. I used to watch the MoPac as young kid all the time from her front yard.
MKT Lash Up in Clinton, Mo.


I really haven't been too motivated to work on my route in 2015. I'm afraid any new time I invest will be wasted with the release of TANE. It looks inevitable all pofig's beautiful trees, shrubs, and grass will have to be replaced and I'm not looking forward to that at all.

I really tried to open the route and work on it yesterday but everything I considered I was asking myself is it all for nothing. I enjoy working with a lot of detail on this route while carefully using assets to create my vision. I'm concerned I'll have a lot more broken assets than ever expected with TANE.

Do any other folks have these concerns? Do you agree I'm wise to just set on the route until TANE is released?

Thanks for any feedback...
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I don't know, this is supposed to be a fun hobby. If you have concerns about others using it, just remember you don't have to release it. It is completely up to you.
I really haven't been too motivated to work on my route in 2015. I'm afraid any new time I invest will be wasted with the release of TANE. It looks inevitable all pofig's beautiful trees, shrubs, and grass will have to be replaced and I'm not looking forward to that at all.

I really tried to open the route and work on it yesterday but everything I considered I had to ask myself is it all for notching. I enjoy working with a lot of detail on this route while carefully using assets to create my vision. I'm concerned I'll have a lot more broken assets than ever expected with TANE.

Do any other folks have these concerns? Do you agree I'm wise to just set on the route until TANE is released?

Thanks for any feedback...

I totally have the same feeling as you Derrick. Working myself on a route since 2010 and loosing, for T:ANE, all Pofig's trees just throw out the motivation. But indeed T:ANE is looking so good with colors, shadows and draw distance, we should keep going forward (I think it will be my last version to upgrade the route). Fortunatelly we have the replace asset tool but yes it still require much time to replace all those trees, shrubs and grass.
I came to the realization long ago that my Mon Line would likely NEVER get publicly released. I enjoy working on it, which is all that is REALLY important. In light of N3V's recent decisions (we've already got enough going on in the other thread about that, so I won't drag this thread down the rathole too), any more content that I make will be strictly for my own personal use anyhow unless I share it on my site or another third party site since I froze at TS12 with no service packs. Once the DLS stops letting me download stuff (which it MAY have already done judging by another thread), I wlll simply work with what I have or make what I need. If you are enjoying it, that is all that matters.
I totally have the same feeling as you Derrick. Working myself on a route since 2010 and loosing, for T:ANE, all Pofig's trees just throw out the motivation. But indeed T:ANE is looking so good with colors, shadows and draw distance, we should keep going forward (I think it will be my last version to upgrade the route). Fortunatelly we have the replace asset tool but yes it still require much time to replace all those trees, shrubs and grass.

Glad to hear. I'm hoping TANE gives me motivation with its new features but from the screenshots I've seen so far it's not that much different than TS 2010. Maybe my expectations were too high. I was expecting a "game changer". :p

I don't know, this is supposed to be a fun hobby. If you have concerns about others using it, just remember you don't have to release it. It is completely up to you.

True but I've always had plans to release this so I can share my vision and creativity.

what about releasing the route as it is and every one will complete is further as per their own taste?

I don't mind people making changes once it's released but I still have some work to do.
Dricketts, I've watched this thread from the very beginning in awe. As a 2010 user myself I'd love to have the route in it's current stage as well. I decided to skip TS12 and just await a stable release of T:ANE. When JR feels confident in releasing content for it, I'll believe its ready. Until then I'd love to run your route in 2010!
Dricketts, I've watched this thread from the very beginning in awe. As a 2010 user myself I'd love to have the route in it's current stage as well. I decided to skip TS12 and just await a stable release of T:ANE. When JR feels confident in releasing content for it, I'll believe its ready. Until then I'd love to run your route in 2010!

Thanks solo! That's a great input. Maybe I should consider a TS2010 and a TANE version. It might make sense to just keep plugging away with a TS210 or TS2012 version until TANE is stable and quality new content is available.

Anywho... here's a local traveling north crossing Dillion Creek on the Clinton Sub in Henry County, Missouri. Looks like the conductor is enjoying the scenery.




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I hope you don't give up Dricketts. I agree with the same sentiment everyone else has shared about your route. I remember seeing it years ago and being impressed with what you had.

As for TANE, I wouldn't sell it short just yet. I only imported my route into it to see what would happen.... Posted pics as much as a gag as anything else.... Then I had a couple gentleman offer to help me get things sorted out, so I started looking into what was actually broken and what wasn't... In the process I got to play with some of the newer features and see what its capable of..... I've been really impressed so far just with what has been released.... Yes, it sucks that not all content won't port directly into it with no problems, but I'm already talking to people about fixing much of what breaks, and alot of it seems pretty easy fixes. The only hard one to fix right now that I'm encountering as a migrating Route Creator is Trees, and we already have two of this hobby's greatest Tree makers working to fix that, one of which has already released (As payware) working TANE Speed Trees....

Anyway, if we all dig a hole for ourselves and never share anything again, what was the point in getting into this hobby in the first place? I know I'd like to see your route completed, as does I think about everyone else here. At the end of the day if you complete it in TS2010 and never share it beyond pics, awesome. If you share it with the community in TS2010 outstanding. Point I'm trying to make is, I for one really hope you don't let a little thing like a program revision you don't have to partake in stop you from completing a route that has been so obviously central to your interests for so long and you've made such wonderful progress on.....

But whatever you decide, I will respect your decision as the route's creator,
Well, supposedly with the release on the 15th they're supposed to have some major revisions to content. I've mentioned elsewhere that the amount of Higher Quality assets that have now been adopted as "Built-in" in T:ANE (Meaning works flawless because N3V appropriated them and went through em with a fine tooth comb), is incredible.

I'm still finding tons of little errors in things, but most are 1-2 minute fixes. Theres only been about 2-3 Assets that I've truly been stuck on, and one of them was flagged by a N3V Content fellow as being a coding error that they've set out to specifically fix. Further, I posted a screenshot in another thread about how much I've imported into T:ANE, and how much is faulty. I've ported a good 14K+ Assets into TANE at this points, and figure less then about 2300 or so are flagging as faulty.....

Also, if you ever plan on even glancing at a copy of TANE on your computer, I'd suggest buying now rather then later because sometime after the 15th the price is supposed to go up 20% (Why pay more right?).

Anyway, if you ever want help with look through T:ANE stuff, give me a holler. I'm pretty busy so it might take me awhile to get to it depending on what it is, but as long as you can live with that, I'd do what I can to help you look into it.

I really haven't been too motivated to work on my route in 2015. I'm afraid any new time I invest will be wasted with the release of TANE. It looks inevitable all pofig's beautiful trees, shrubs, and grass will have to be replaced and I'm not looking forward to that at all.

Completely agree mate, we'll just have to see how it goes..
Anyway, if you ever want help with look through T:ANE stuff, give me a holler. I'm pretty busy so it might take me awhile to get to it depending on what it is, but as long as you can live with that, I'd do what I can to help you look into it.


Thanks for the offer. I might just do that.

Completely agree mate, we'll just have to see how it goes..

Glad to see we think alike. :confused:

Here's some switching moves in Bolivar, Missouri on a cloudy day.

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Awesome video! I checked it out yesterday when it popped up in my feed. Attention to detail is really stunning in this route.