The Doom Coster


Looks like an enormous orange and grey snake curling round everywhere. I can see you had a bit of fun creating that route. Excellent choice of music too.


You said it, dragonharh. I was "All A Bored". The camera was far too limited to make the video interesting.

If you want to build roller coasters, why not try Roller Coaster Tycoon 3? It is a fantastic program which allows you to build coasters to your own design, and then ride them. It is difficult to build coasters in Trainz.

If you want any more info on RCT3, PM me.

Best wishes,
At least go cabview, make it look like we're actually riding it. At least you had fun doing it, that's the main thing.
Sorry it took so long to replay I con't post it most for the forums.
I have lost this route too so the video is all thats left and I was going to make a batter one and take it too the max but the route is gone with the wind!!:hehe:
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