It has been a year of hard work and some major setbacks but I'm about to take 2 weeks off to do flood repair work in Beaumont, TX, so I thought that I would bring you up to date.
First, the setbacks, since the implementation of TANE:SP2, The game crashed about 5 times and at some point, during those crashes, the topography disappeared from around 20% of the route. I attempted to recover some of the topography under already corrected track elevations but the game would crash and the topo would be gone again. I decided to surrender the fight and temporarily flatten every location on the route which is turning out to be very beneficial.
Now the good news, I have completed the x,y components of all mainline tracks, non-industry tracks, and yard tracks on:
the Union Pacific Kenosha Subdivision, Milwaukee Subdivision, Harvard Subdivision, McHenry Subdivision, Geneva Subdivision (OTC to Villa Park) including, the California Ave. Yard, Proviso Yard, Waukegan Yard, Keeler Ave. Yard, Bryn Mawr Yard, Des Plaines Yard & North Ave Yard.
the Canadian National Waukesha Subdivision, Waukegan Subdivision, and Leighton Subdivision
the Canadian Pacific C&M Subdivision, Fox Lake Subdivision, Elgin Subdivision, Bensenville Yard, Galewood Yard, & Schiller Park Yard
IHB Norpaul Yard and main line from the CP to just south of the UP Geneva Sub
BRC mainline from the CP to just south of the UP Geneva Sub
I have also created 12 1st phase industries (mesh and track, non-scripted yet) (10 in Kenosha County, WI and 2 in Lake County, IL)
25 exclusive stations on the UPN
21 exclusive stations on the UPNW
Clybourn Station shared between UPN, UPNW
10 stations on the UPW
20 exclusive station on the MDN
3 exclusive stations on the MDW
15 exclusive stations on the NCS
7 shared stations between MDW & NCS
and Western Ave Station shared between MDN, MDW, NCS
I have gotten a lot of inspiration from watching fellow Trainz users, on Youtube, esp. Approach Medium (ACBDFAQOZ) & Trainz Rail Operations (User unknown).
I currently have 70 interlocking towers (with 1 more signaled and junctions placed but will have over 100 paths, and 2 more waiting for more signal information before I place)
Currently, 1093 paths assigned to the towers with an average of 15.6 paths per tower.
In this screenshot, the red jagged line represents the boundary of what I've done (No scenery)
Here is a map view of UP Proviso Yard and CP Bensenville Yard
UP California Ave Yard and CP Western Ave Yard.
Tower A-2
IHB Norpaul Yard
UP Proviso Yard
CP Bensenville Yard
Short-Term Goals following my hiatus:
Complete the Geneva Subdivision out to Elburn
Complete the Elgin Subdivision out to Elgin
Start & Complete the Rockford Subdivision from the Geneva Sub through Elgin
Advance the Leighton Subdivision down to the Geneva Sub
Start and place all industries upon the completed lines.
Medium-Term Goals:
Advance the relative lines counterclockwise around the city from the Geneva Subdivision to the BNSF Chillicothe Sub & CN Joliet Sub from Chicago down through Joliet and including UP Global Yard 4, CN Joliet Yard, BNSF Logistics Park
After that point, the progress will slow down even more significantly then it has been going, because of the density of yard tracks, industries, and Mainlines.
Acknowledgments, My goal for this project is to have some combination of Multiplayer and large scale automation. I know from Trainz Rail Operations creation a fully automated UP North Platte Hump Yard that this type of operation will be possible but not on my current laptop computer before I reach that point I will need a more advanced desktop computer. At this point, it is easy to say that this project will be at least another 5 years in the making, so don't look for this anytime soon.